1-. Gambling for having fun you wouldn't focused or channeling your mindset towards what you gain from the gambling site or be it local shops. When you are gambling your Joy is solely relying on the easing moment you are having while gambling and you wouldn't put an amount you can't afford to lose and it should be within your means as small as you can't even have that feeling you are losing anything from gambling, that is gambling for fun.
2-. Gambling for additional income or extra income; on this you only interested on the amount to win you won't consider the fun aspect rather you are looking at the benefit. Of course there are people who go stake games without them seating to watch the matches, this is entirely gambling for additional income, you see them regularly doing their focast and analysis towards teams or clubs to play this weekend, these sets of people do not worry about the fun aspect rather focuses on the benefits. Yes, of a true we all gamble for the benefit of earning money but everyone interest can never be the same as extra earning from the gambling site.
So, with my classification you can choose where you question belongs.