This is what our government leaders have set in store for us. It's becoming a "craphole" world (as is said in the article). Wake up while there still is time.
DROUGHT collapsing the food supply, LAWLESSNESS collapsing blue cities as America plunges toward Third World chaosWe are rapidly approaching the end of America and the end of the world as we know it. Every institution of sustainable civilization is being torn to shreds by the anti-human globalists and their obedient Democrat operatives: The money supply, the food supply, science and medicine, the rule of law, parental rights, medical ethics and even national sovereignty. The governments of the world — America, Canada, Australia, China, etc. — have been transformed into crime syndicates that actively seek to destroy their own populations and nations, and the global extermination agenda using covid biological weapons (spike protein / covid vaccines) is well under way.
We are likely just months away from a total collapse of society as we know it, at least in the high population density cities run by disastrous, suicidal Democrats who seem to despise every pillar of human civilization (families, parents, babies, health, rationality, religion, the rule of law, etc.). Most of America’s largest cities will soon be transformed into inescapable death traps with mass violence, disease, starvation and destitution. Those who can will flee to the rural areas in search of food, shelter and sanity.
Oregon’s leftist legislature just passed a bill that will turn every city in the state into “shanty towns” of tent cities, rife with drug use, prostitution, disease and crime. HB 3115 prevents police from arresting or fining people who are living in tents on public property. Naturally, the only reason so many people are homeless in Oregon, Washington, California and other blue states is because of the disastrous, mentally ill policies put forth by liberals who despise police and hate humanity. Parts of Seattle already resemble South American craphole nations, and Portland isn’t far behind. Soon, every city up and down the Left Coast will be a Third World craphole run by Democrats. Anyone who is able to flee will flee by any means necessary.
Democrats are bringing back the KKK, but this time targeting Whites
Liberal cities will soon be “policed” like CHAZ — where lunatic Leftists armed with AK-47s will serve as left-wing “shock troops” to carry out extreme violence against White people based merely on the color of their skin. This is the revival of the KKK — a concoction of Democrats — now weaponized against Whites instead of Blacks.
In other words, the G7 leaders have long realized that creating a craphole world (as listed in the above article), isn't going to trick the people into believing them and trusting in them. Rather, it's destroying their credibility. What are they going to do now? Probably destroy their nations the rest of the way. I mean, "If I can't have it, then nobody can." Of course, we might wake up on time to prevent this.
G7: Desperately Seeking RelevancyThe Big Picture though is way more sensitive. Three Summits in a Row – G7, NATO and US-EU – will be paving the way for a much expected cliffhanger: the Putin-Biden summit in Geneva – which certainly won't be a reset.
The controlling interests behind the hologram that goes by the name of "Joe Biden" have a clear overarching agenda: to regiment industrialized democracies – especially those in Europe – and keep them in lockstep to combat those "authoritarian" threats to US national security, "malignant" Russia and China.
It's like a throwback to those oh so stable 1970s Cold War days, complete with James Bond fighting foreign devils and Deep Purple subverting communism. Well, the times they are-a-changin'. China is very much aware that now the Global South "accounts for almost two-thirds of the global economy compared to one-third by the West: in the 1970s, it was exactly the opposite."