Alright guys,
I have been trading BTC/USD, market exchanges, lending to people, lending to friends, and I even run my own investment portfolio, where I have collected over .17 in capital money.
I am a very trust-worthy person, and do not believe in scamming, one mbit.
So today, I was scrolling through Poloniex, where I do trading, HashClub, another forum, and here, I was shorting some ETH, making profits, chatting with friends on skype, usual stuff ayy?
I come across, in the Unread Posts Since Last Visit link at the top of the screen, a reputation loan post.
Now I realize, yes, bad things have happened around rep. loans, as people continually ask for bigger and bigger amounts, and eventually shit on the people, scamming once the amount becomes high enough,
however, it's a newbie guy, Spartacus17, who wants to start making trust and doing escrow as a service to others on the forum
I read through some of the replies, and see some nasty remarks about scamming and how he has to buy trust, etc.
I, then looked through his trust page.
Two negatives, solely from posting that thread.
Not from scamming, he didn't take anyone's money and run, but from making a loan thread.
I thought that was really fvcked up, as everyone was beating on him, and his trust, the very thing he was doing this for, was completely trashed by trolls who think anyone who makes a rep loan deserves hell for eternity.
He asked for .001, in return upon confirmation.
I decided to say fuck it, and lend him the .001. That is a very small amount, and small still was the amount he returned.
I thought it was a win-win situat. b/c either he is a scammer, and he gets blasted once he locks posts and runs tail between legs off the forum with his quickly made goodies, or he is legitimate, and he proves he is above it.
Upon confirmation, he sends me back with interest.
Suddenly, I go to post that he returned, and posted a positive feedback to his page, when I get hit by two trust feedbacks, both negative.
I have been a relatively new member of the forum, but I have always went out of my way to help people, and allow people to put their trust in me, whether I am doing services for them, trading BTC for cash, or overall paying for commodities.
I have three untrusted(don't understand why that doesn't go towards score) positive feedbacks, talking about good trades, and being honest and sending my cash whenever I did giveaways, why those don't go to show on my trust score, who knows.
I, as of typing, have two negative, and very nasty feedbacks, solely for the act of seeing if a guy who wants to get into escrow biz, is trustworthy.
This is one of them.
KWH. Risked : 00000. Knowingly giving a Rep. Loan. You basically sold your feedback for dust. Congratulations.
I think the ability to post baseless negative trust scores, which are basically accusations, is very wrong, as I am completely against scamming, and dislike when people point fingers and accusate.
If I scammed someone? Hell Yes I Should be labeled.
If I was holding escrow, and ran? Hell yeah I should get shit on for that.
But testing out a reputation loan? No, I shouldn't.
I agree, reputation loans sometimes are complete scams.
However, this guy is an honest guy, who wants to go into the biz with some green on his side, so he can make some biz
After he saw my negative feedback(s), he sent me a pm, saying,
"Thanks for trusting me. I see you got hit with negative trust, I won't mind if you remove the positive trust you gave me to hopefully get rid of the negative trust people gave you."(spartacus17, pm)
I basically replied, saying you should not do rep. loans from now on, as it is associated with scamming, and also will get you BASELESS NEGATIVES REVIEWS from people, who don't even know you. However, I did say I will not remove my positive review of him, and will fight to make this BS w/ the negative trusts stop.
It should be not allowed, that you can place negative reviews on who-ever the fvck you want to, just b/c they were trying to help a guy.
Please fix/look at..
Feeling disgusted..