1.5 btc is cheap for this domain name .
the domain name is high quality and can easily get lots of hits because it was named after the altcoin and we all know that altcoin is next to bitcoin . those who have interest for cryptos will search the name altcoin on thier browser .
last time i check other crypto domains and they are sold more than a hundred thousand dollars ( thats in usd rate not in btc ) . some wants to be bought expensive by the buyers but the domain owners dont want to sell it .
Personally, I would never pay that much money for a domain. I don't believe a domain name has such a big impact on project success.
Take, for example, some of the most prominent companies in the crypto world such as binance, kraken, bisq, axoni, everledger, xapo ... None of them have a particularly branadable name, but they are still successful because they offered a good product and thus reached the top.