In order to accurately predict exactly how high Bitcoin will go before it crashes, and it will crash, one would probably have to be a fly on the wall inside the mind(s) of whichever few big players are manipulating this metabolic rise into existence. Whilst I would love to think that the rise is being caused by 'Normal Joes' just like you and me, seeing the light and turning our backs on the evil empire of the war mongering bankers, I just cant allow myself to be that naive. Bitcoin is already up 700% or something in just the past 5-6 months, it could go up another 700% in the next 6 months. But all this upside volatility is doing a lot of harm to the purpose for which Bitcoin was intended; that being as an alternative means of payment free from the Zionist controlled parasitic central bank system, as opposed to method for making some internet gooks who adopted early, rather wealthy. The downside volatilty, when it comes, will serve as a devastating blow to real Bitcoin economies.
I agree with you that the meteoric (not metabolic) rise is unhealthy, but mainly because I'm one of those fools who was following bitcoin since it's first mention on slashdot (one of the gooks you speak of) who did NOT buy any. No seriously, it's unhealthy regardless of how many i didn't buy.
The thing is that Bitcoin is starting to move beyond drug sales and into international exchange and wealth storage. You've probably heard all the pundits out there talk about the market caps and relative volumes, but seriously - if Bitcoin does prove it's trustworthiness (not value - that will bounce around for years yet) then said trust will start to capture some percentage of what Western Union, Pay Pal, and all the rest churn through in a year. The finite supply of of Bitcoins (and predicable inflation mechanism) means that to accomodate higer volumes, unit value must grow.
Don't forget also, there is (sad for me) a chance that it will never crash and it will just keep on consuming more and more global financial transactions. The banking instability in the news fuels this as people desperately seek safe havens. As long as transaction volume grows, it seems to me that unit value must follow.
So early adopters - good on them. Just like if your grand dad bought 100 gold eagles back when they were 20$ each and kept them in the basement until now. Can't fault them really IMHO. I just kick myself that I am not one of them. But there's hope yet.
I know how you feel. I am a relatively Johnny come lately precious metals investor. In the past two years, my investment in PM metals has floated overall, at a constant value in terms of GBP (gold up a little, silver down a little). Had I instead invested everything I had at into Bitcoins at the time I was buying em for £3 in order to use on SR, I today would be a self made millionaire. The fact that i didn't invest a single bean into Bitcoins (despite always intending to do so at some point), cause me a lot of annoyance.
I have always seen the huge potential in Bitcoin for all the reasons that you describe and plenty more. Perhaps it is because of the potential of Bitcoin, that we are now seeing this exponential rise in the market. Not as a result of this mass adoption actually occurring, but as a result of some entity working for the interests of banking establishment whose business/control model Bitcoin may pose a threat to, having entered the market to cause volatility which will prove intolerable to anyone using Bitcoin for any other purpose other than as speculation tool.
mindtomatter in this thread: the matter brilliantly. I however cant participate in that particular forum due to my n00b status.
Perhaps both I and mindtomatter are missing the mark completely in our guesstimations, but one thing I would put my house on right now, is that Bitcoin isnt rising metabolically due to mass adoption, but due to some form of market cornering. What I wouldnt put my house on right now, is Bitcoin itself, even though I am well aware that there may well still be massive increases to come.