Market analysis is not only carried out technically but must also be seen from various other aspects, such as carrying out fundamental and sentimental analysis. Even technical analysis sometimes cannot be expected to be accurate when there is big news that can affect market trends due to changes in market players' sentiments. So if you want to really understand market movements then you shouldn't just focus on technical analysis. But you have to complete it with fundamental and sentimental analysis. And there are several other types of analysis that use several indicators commonly used in the market. But the most basic are these three analyses. Trading looks easy. but it becomes more complex when we really want to understand it.
Learning about TAs may help you understand about the market. But when you talk about crypto market and how you can truly take advantage of the opportunity to earn profits is actually a different story. Each project has their own market performance depending on how the dev team is developing their respective project. That is, if they really do have plans to accomplish their objectives for the project.
As we have seen, most alts die down eventually because they have no reason to sustain their market to begin with. Most were created to exhaust money from their investors. Once they pocketed some money, their trading market will slow down up until there's no more chance of recovery. I have seen a lot of well-written whitepapers and yet, they have the same fate with crappy projects.
For you to gauge if the project will develop into something useful and profitable, you may want to check the following factors -
> actual usage of the coin/token, what transactions can you use it for?
> what kind of customers they have? how many subscribers or active users they have?
> is the team active in sharing their developments and accomplishments?
> is it popular among crypto users?
> how about their trading volume? do you think they are playing the wash trading scheme?
And considering such factors, hard to rely on historical trends. Because in crypto, it doesn't mean much as the market performance doesn't usually follow any TA you know of. It is more on how well you know the project and where the team is heading to when it comes to their actual plans.