Then each one of you are waiting for it to rise to bail out so the other one is stuck with his bag..
TALK about community ..
Lets get it right your all waiting for monies like SHARKS waiting for feeding time..
Most on here would stab each other in the back for a chance at a few more dollars..
Oh but talk all nice waiting to POUNCE ..
At least with me i tell you straight and that's why i am so trusting ..
OH you can count on popcorn1 to tell you the TRUTH but it HURTS..
Uhh this obnoxious man/woman again, I tend to notice you on various threads with your extravagant way of declaring what you believe is the absolute truth. Tho you can continue your way of living ( even tho it's saddening to see such bitter person *sigh* ).
"this is the truth" "the truth hurts" always wanting to force their belief to others and if contradicted will get very VERY aggressive.
Just how sad can you be.
But hey, I'll tell you one truth. and it hurts.
No one gives a fuck about you.