
Topic: The Establishment Plagued with Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Useful Idiots (Read 1241 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
On one hand, many liberals are sociopaths as they always revert to pushing bigger government on the population to take from those who produce and give to the parasite class and allow them to have the bare minimum which keeps them in housing projects and away from the rest. On the other side of the isle, many religious fanatics tend to always seek government to foist their values onto others. Similarly, neocons can either think that foreign interventionism truly is helpful in keeping the country safe or they just like to use taxpayer money to use the big toys to workover different regions to their liking and monetary interests. I'm not saying absolutes when mentioning any of these but I do question the sincerity of those that call the shots on these aforementioned issues.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
December 26, 2014
Psychopathy and Politics
By James G. Long

Early in my career I worked for two military officers and soon after for two industrial managers, all four of whom I thought must be seriously crazy.  Each of them was threatening and erratic, and created massive personnel turnover within their units, including an uncommon number of demotions, terminations, and serious illnesses.  Regardless, these worthies maintained the confidence of their superiors for a time, though two of them were eventually and abruptly terminated from their positions.  These characters were so far removed from my normal experience that they have significantly defined my life -- led me to further my education, wrote a book (long outdated), gave seminars, and did major study and research with most of it outside conventional channels.

It took me thirty years to discover that my four crazy bosses were in fact psychopaths, and I now have professional confirmation that I worked for four different psychopath-type personalities.  Psychopathy was largely unrecognized and was poorly understood when I first observed the phenomenon, and it is poorly understood now, forty-nine years later.  Only the Federal Bureau of Investigation, of all the government entities, fully understands and utilizes psychopathy, and then only in regards to criminal cases.

Psychopathy as a psychological discipline concentrates on the behaviors and misbehaviors of personalities; psychopathy is one of several personality disorders, as opposed to thinking disorders (psychoses) and mood disorders (depression, bi-polar).  These three disorder types are often confused with one another.  The major characteristics of psychopaths are a pathological need for control over other people, coupled with a total absence of conscience.  Psychopaths have been characterized as bold, disinhibited, and mean, though psychopaths typically adopt attractive, charismatic, but fake personas for use when they want to impress someone in particular, such as a new girlfriend, upper management, or voters.  Bullying is a common description of a psychopath when he is not on his best behavior.

Psychopaths operate on all scales from families and local communities to nation-states.  There has been remarkably little comment on totalitarian dictators as psychopaths, though totalitarian dictators have the same corrupt and destructive characteristics as local psychopaths who operate on a smaller scale.  Slavery and colonialism are manifestations of psychopathic-type control on a national or international scale, and are recently prevalent in psychopathic national systems today.

Psychopathy is the most destructive of the mental disorders, but the initial clinical description of psychopathy, by Dr. Hervey Cleckley in 1941, was little noted at the time and had almost no immediate effect.  Psychopaths hide in plain sight, and it is difficult for an untrained or inexperienced person to identify a psychopath due to the fake-but-charming personas that psychopaths adopt.  Psychopathy finally gained large-scale public attention as a result of a series of serial murder psychopaths in the 1970s (Robert Maudsley, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Dean Corll) and serial-murder psychopaths have largely defined the popular image of psychopathy for the past forty years. ... more

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Psychopathy in Politics and Finance - Stefan Verstappen on GRTV

As more and more studies demonstrating the corrosive effect of psychopathy on government, finance, and business emerge, researchers have begun to explore how our society itself has been molded in the psychopaths' image. Now, one of those researchers, Stefan Verstappen, shares his insights on psychopathy in modern culture. This is the GRTV Feature interview on Global Research TV.
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
So what? Th

Yeah and I´m sure that they happily vote for other psychopaths. Somehow those fruitcakes get to power, presumably because of their popularity.
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1047
Your country may be your worst enemy
So what? There are plenty of sociopaths and psychos in this forum, too.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
It all seems a bit alarmist. Being a psychopath isn't illegal.

What part of the spectrum do you want your representatives to be? What do you consider sane or normal?

I don´t think it´s alarmist at all. Mentally unstable people can be dangerous to others and if they get to high positions they can be a hazard to the public at large.
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Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
LIR Dev.
It's the same with a large proportion of corporate CEO's, psychos seem to be drawn towards power and money. We've got our fair share of nutters on this forum Wink

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
It all seems a bit alarmist. Being a psychopath isn't illegal.

What part of the spectrum do you want your representatives to be? What do you consider sane or normal?
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Are Politicians Psychopaths?

It's no secret that politicians can be driven by outsized egos. I mean, who among us really thinks he or she deserves a seat in Congress -- or a desk in the Oval Office?

But can egotism alone explain why so many elected officials seem to get caught telling lies, having affairs, committing financial improprieties or engaging in other scandalous behavior? Not everyone is convinced that it can, and some in the blogosphere have gone so far as to wonder if bad-boy (and bad girl) politicians are actually psychopaths. And a recent article in The Atlantic asks of these pundits:

Could they be right? If these pundits mean that the targeted office-seekers are evil or "crazy," probably not. But if they are pointing out that politicians and psychopaths share certain characteristics, they could be on to something. ....
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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
21st Century Wire

Few will dispute that careerist politicians often demonstrate psychopathic behavior.

In the article, Who Controls our Government? The Psychopathic Corporate Elites of America, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null attempt to answer several fundamental questions:

“Is the problem, therefore, we the people? Are we at fault for having been seduced by those in power to sell us blank bill of goods, drugs, products and policies that are more harmful than beneficial? Are we at fault for having deceived our selves by being convinced that their illusion is the truth? Or is the elite, the best and brightest in Wall Street, Washington and throughout the top stories of the multinational corporate networks, the real obstacle to a promising future for all? Are the oligarchic elite, including corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans in all branches of government, not in fact a special breed of psychopath with no moral compass, striving solely to maintain their power, control and wealth? In this article we explore this phenomena with two leading experts on the psychopathic nature of our CEOs, business leaders and politicians who rule America from their residences on Psycho Street.”

What may be revealing to the average person is that many of the same sociopathic characteristics exhibited in the policy manipulators exist in the general population. Martha Stout, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and former Harvard Medical school instructor and author of The Sociopath Next Door. The article, Psychopaths and sociopaths share many characteristics: seem to coincide, cites she “estimates that one in 25 people, 4 percent of the population, are sociopathic. Dr. Stout describes sociopaths as those who, through grand schemes of contrivance, manipulation and deceit, seek to undermine and manipulate simply because they can.” ... more

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