Governments are unable and unwilling to do anything in a decentralized nature.
maybe there is financial viability in banks using a cryptocurrency based system instead of current infrastructure to look after the transactions.. to enable them to mimic bitcoin in features such as international transactions...
Its not that "they" aren't able to do it. Rather, ther is no point in doing so.
For a person trained in and accustomed to the conventional money system, a non centralised cryptocurrency will seem like a somewhat weird and artificially complicated construction. From a conventional POV, a cryptocurrency lacks those crucial features which makes the exising money so sweet for them.
On a related note, also I don't think that something like the Canadian MintChip was created out of desperation. Just to the contrary, those people feel that they have the power, and they think they create something really good for the general public. Kind of a win-win-win. Something which is "modern" and "innovative" and also lucrative and additionally even helps with improving "public security" and "fighting crime".
We shouldn't forget that (right now) we're a small niche community populated by all kinds of somewhat strange geeky folks.