That's right, and if something gets posted on topic, it get buried by posts about software.
Today I saw a core dev make a completely false statement about secp256k1.
Where do you want the innovators to share their, or somewhere else?
Bitcoin mining technology is centralized as all fuck, as are payment processing solutions. Why would anyone bother to post block diagrams, circuit schematics, and test results of working systems here when they will only be buried by posts which are unrelated? Inventor's alternative is to put the information in another location online, or perhaps file a patent, which is what just about everyone outside of the software community is doing. And the results are pretty obvious - bitcoin moves sideways, not forward.
Bitcoin security is a big question mark, and businesses are left with no choice but to stay away from bitcoin, a system which offers them...what exactly? Some source code? Who does that help?
This forum COULD be the hub for innovation that makes bitcoin actually viable as a currency. This forum is THE NODE for communications. But it isn''s in the same state it was in in 2009 when bitcoin was basically world of warcraft.
I would be OK with it if there weren't six million dollars set aside to make it happen.
I'm not amused.