If this is true and the Senate and the house of representatives are voting to be essentially all control to the executive brand of the United States of the internet access, Information access, devices and all that which in power of companies and also citizens... Would not that imply that in the case of a Trump second presidential term, would be Trump the one with the access to that power?
Just wondering if that would be the case and also what would be your thoughts on Trump having just authority instead of Biden.
Perhaps, if this laws become a reality and Trump comes back to office, he could use all of it in his favor and against the deep state which would still try to sink it while he is president. What do you think? Or will the Biden administration to reverse this law as soon as the administration change becomes imminent?
Good point. He is going to say that Trump will reverse it, but is unlikely. That is, if any of it is true.
The fact is that there is already a think-tank organisation that "has no relation to Trump" doing a filtration of all the Civil Servants in the US with things like their comments on social networks or other publicly accessible sources and probably other not as accessible. Trump will demolish the US administration and remake it to his narcissistic image.
The reality is that both Democrats and Republicans have some things and characteristics in common and one of them is their paranoia and constant thrist for power and intelligence. That is part of what people call "The establishment".
If the democrat party actually tried to pass a power-grabbing law and they succeeded, the next Republican administration won't have the kindness to reverse it whatsoever, they will take it for granted and distract the population about the existence of that new violation to their privacy/civil rights. So will the next democrat administration and then the next Republican one and so on...
In that sense both establishment factions of the party dance at the same pace and song. What made Trump so attractive in the first place was his apparent hate for the establishment and how promised the average citizen to demolish it. That did not happen, of course.