Someone can place $10,000 worth of bitcoins somewhere on the planet, in a USB card. Then they can leave clues on a website, and the news will pick it up, and all kinds of people that would never be involved with bitcoin, will come out of the woodworks to find the Treasure worth $10,000
An excellent idea! Here's the beauty of it. Nobody has to donate their Bitcoin for the $10,000 prize. Nor would donations need to be collected. Ask me how that can be done in this thread. Back in about an hour--going to fry some zucchini.
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
No. But a good guess. Pattaya! (only kidding)
Seriously, with Tim Dedopulos, the author of the book mentioned by the OP, as well as many others.
Since his sole income, possibly, is based on sales of books, all that needs to be done is approach him with the idea where he'll allocate $10,000 from the sale of the The Great Bitcoin Treasure Hunt toward the prize, and still recognize a potential handsome profit. It's safe to say that's how he's doing it with his original idea. Bitcoin will be the catalyst for his second treasure hunt book, thereby starting a whole series of books he'll be able to enjoy a profit stream from.
It's either that or hide Bitcoin in Ladyboy's pants.
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending