The great magic ear show
I am crowdfunding for this video. Please note: I make no guarantees that the result will be exactly like the idea below. Anything could happen. No guarantees and no promises are given.
Funding goals
If I can raise BTC (90 USD) I will turn 50% of the script into video
If I can raise BTC (190 USD) I will turn 100% of the script into video
If I can raise more I will buy food for me and some friends and maybe pay some rent.
Looking for funders, sponsors, users, feedback and so on.
I will point at my ears and say I have magic ears. Then I will go to a diamond shop and look at some jewelry. After that I will drive to a river where I will talk a bit about the beauty of nature and the natural beauty of water (shiny like diamonds).
I will ask my friend if this person has some pearl earrings and a necklace, after which I will approach a pig sty or similar place holding the jewelry in my hands if I could find any. When I'm close to the sty I will start talking about my magic ears again.
I will pour a bucket of water on the ground to symbolize the river. Then I will go to the jungle to look for some dinosaurs or similar animal (I saw a snake yesterday but no guarantees).
I will then go to the shopping mall, buy some broccoli and put it in my ears to try to tune in to the vibe of the plant life.
I will go to the flower shop and see if they have anything that looks like tulip. I will bring the flower to the mirror to look at its reflection. I will find something that looks like a drum and try to play for a while, shaman style. I will turn on a water faucet to symbolize the river. I will eat an almond while trying to sing like a dolphin.
Then I will stare at some spaghetti and play a little song on the keyboard. Finally I will ask into the void if some muppets wants to come out and play.
bitcoin:12tV6crA4nhs1RKD9bmQJUaZkP5iLohngU (I accept some altcoins/tokens, ask if you want to fund using that)