
Topic: The Habanero - 650GH/s - OOS - page 40. (Read 96051 times)

full member
Activity: 138
Merit: 100
June 02, 2014, 06:48:36 AM
My habaneros arrived today.

Thanks PepperMining that was a super quick turnaround.

Good work and congratulations to all involved
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
June 01, 2014, 11:45:41 PM
I've got my Habanero hooked up to a Corsair H110 cooler. Currently I have the stock fans from Corsair on it. It looks like this:

I'm mining w/ cgminer 4.3.3 running on OSX. My cgminer args are as follows:

cgminer.exe -o http://site:port -u -p --hfa-fan 100 --hfa-temp-target 0 --hfa-temp-overheat 110 --hfa-fail-drop 0 --hfa-hash-clock 400 --api-listen --api-network

When I bring up the pepper mining app and look at dies, I'm seeing this:

Any suggestions? I've applied Antec Thermal Grease to the chips and torqed down the cooler.

FWIW I had almost the same problem -- ASIC 0 & 2 were 10-15 degrees hotter than 1 & 3. I tried tightening the screws on those corners and it had no effect on temperature at all.

I hesitated to take the water block off and reseat it because I had been very careful when I applied the grease the first time, it was evenly applied, no bubbles, etc -- but eventually that's what I did, and it's like a different machine, just 4 degrees of difference now. All I did was take the water block off, clean off the old grease, and reapply new grease. Somehow it just worked out better the second time.

The old "Redo" is always worth trying. I also noticed after tweaking several cooling heads that this process seems to work best...

1. Hand tighten them all down first.
2. Start hashing at a low clock speed and then tighten as evenly as possible.
3. Crank up the clock speed.
4. Loosen each corner until you verify a move up or down in temp to make sure that certain corners are not too tight.

I noticed that in many cases I needed to loosen certain corners by a turn or two to get even temps across chips. It's a bit like tuning a guitar.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
June 01, 2014, 11:34:52 PM
I think I missed some info on the screws... what are the included screws for? They don't seem to screw down into the back plate. I don't see any other use for them.
For most people, you won't use them. They're the same M3 thread as an Intel heatsink, so you might be able to use the included hardware if it fits. If the hardware that came with the heatsink doesn't fit though, those screws can be used to hold down the cooler head.

So the included screws are supposed to be able to screw down into the attached backplate. I think I might have to take pliers to them to get them to fit into the backplate.
The hex head on them is an M2.5, if you have a multi tool kit. I've noticed they can be a little hard to start, but once they get going they're fine.
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
June 01, 2014, 10:21:01 PM
I think I missed some info on the screws... what are the included screws for? They don't seem to screw down into the back plate. I don't see any other use for them.
For most people, you won't use them. They're the same M3 thread as an Intel heatsink, so you might be able to use the included hardware if it fits. If the hardware that came with the heatsink doesn't fit though, those screws can be used to hold down the cooler head.

So the included screws are supposed to be able to screw down into the attached backplate. I think I might have to take pliers to them to get them to fit into the backplate.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
June 01, 2014, 09:00:47 PM
Thanks for the tip.  I'll keep trying.
hero member
Activity: 711
Merit: 532
June 01, 2014, 08:44:12 PM
I've got my Habanero hooked up to a Corsair H110 cooler. Currently I have the stock fans from Corsair on it. It looks like this:

I'm mining w/ cgminer 4.3.3 running on OSX. My cgminer args are as follows:

cgminer.exe -o http://site:port -u -p --hfa-fan 100 --hfa-temp-target 0 --hfa-temp-overheat 110 --hfa-fail-drop 0 --hfa-hash-clock 400 --api-listen --api-network

When I bring up the pepper mining app and look at dies, I'm seeing this:

Any suggestions? I've applied Antec Thermal Grease to the chips and torqed down the cooler.

FWIW I had almost the same problem -- ASIC 0 & 2 were 10-15 degrees hotter than 1 & 3. I tried tightening the screws on those corners and it had no effect on temperature at all.

I hesitated to take the water block off and reseat it because I had been very careful when I applied the grease the first time, it was evenly applied, no bubbles, etc -- but eventually that's what I did, and it's like a different machine, just 4 degrees of difference now. All I did was take the water block off, clean off the old grease, and reapply new grease. Somehow it just worked out better the second time.

Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
June 01, 2014, 08:13:46 PM
Adding fans blowing across the habbies seems to have solved my problem.
Now I'm pulling 525GH/s @ 700 (for now). Wink

Boy those boards get toasty without a fan!

Yeah, even with a 90% efficient DC/DC supply on the board, all those mosfets can be dissipating over 50W, which is a lot of heat into the board. That's the reason we finned the backplate, in order to help get some of that heat out of the board.

I took a few pictures on how to instal a Corsair H80i on the board.
Activity: 69
Merit: 10
June 01, 2014, 07:58:27 PM
Adding fans blowing across the habbies seems to have solved my problem.
Now I'm pulling 525GH/s @ 700 (for now). Wink

Boy those boards get toasty without a fan!
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
June 01, 2014, 07:29:44 PM
I think I missed some info on the screws... what are the included screws for? They don't seem to screw down into the back plate. I don't see any other use for them.
For most people, you won't use them. They're the same M3 thread as an Intel heatsink, so you might be able to use the included hardware if it fits. If the hardware that came with the heatsink doesn't fit though, those screws can be used to hold down the cooler head.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
June 01, 2014, 07:09:19 PM
Xjack, those are some impressive stats! What cooling hardware are you using? Whats the ambient temperature? What thermal compound did you use? Sounds like you've got some high powered fans, any other tips?
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
June 01, 2014, 06:54:23 PM
I've got my Habanero hooked up to a Corsair H110 cooler. Currently I have the stock fans from Corsair on it. It looks like this:

I'm mining w/ cgminer 4.3.3 running on OSX. My cgminer args are as follows:

cgminer.exe -o http://site:port -u -p --hfa-fan 100 --hfa-temp-target 0 --hfa-temp-overheat 110 --hfa-fail-drop 0 --hfa-hash-clock 400 --api-listen --api-network

When I bring up the pepper mining app and look at dies, I'm seeing this:

Any suggestions? I've applied Antec Thermal Grease to the chips and torqed down the cooler.
hero member
Activity: 539
Merit: 500
June 01, 2014, 04:39:27 PM
Great work on the pepper mining software!  

I'm running cgminer 4.3.4 on ubuntu 12.04 precise and can keep the temps down, but I'm having a little stability issue.  Happens on Windows or linux.

Miner drops out and then comes back as an HFA.  Tends to happen every 10 or 15 minutes.

edit: 850MHz at 90-91 degrees on all cores.
Is there any air running over the back of the board? The VRMs themselves require some cooling over long sessions if there's not a lot of air around the board.

Pictures incoming. Smiley

That solved it, thanks.  Stable 900MHz at 90C, 650Gh/s.
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
June 01, 2014, 03:43:45 PM
I think I missed some info on the screws... what are the included screws for? They don't seem to screw down into the back plate. I don't see any other use for them.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
June 01, 2014, 03:19:36 PM
I'm having trouble getting past the 600-650mhz range with both my miners.
When I try to go any faster they start mining fine, then they reset with a "no valid hashes for over x secs" message (x = 6-7 or so).
Of course the time of the reset reduces the average hash rate to lower than I would get at 600-650 (420-460GH/s).

I'm running cgminer 4.3.4 on Minepeon 0.2.6, my options are as Gateway suggested:  --hfa-fan 100 --hfa-temp-target 0 --hfa-temp-overheat 110 --hfa-fail-drop 0 --hfa-hash-clock .
My temps are ranging from the high 80's to the low 90's depending upon clock.

Anyone have any ideas?

BTW, Congrats to the Peppermining Team. NICE job!  Grin

Can you show a picture of your installation?
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
June 01, 2014, 03:17:27 PM
Great work on the pepper mining software!  

I'm running cgminer 4.3.4 on ubuntu 12.04 precise and can keep the temps down, but I'm having a little stability issue.  Happens on Windows or linux.

Miner drops out and then comes back as an HFA.  Tends to happen every 10 or 15 minutes.

Any thoughts?

edit: 850MHz at 90-91 degrees on all cores.
Is there any air running over the back of the board? The VRMs themselves require some cooling over long sessions if there's not a lot of air around the board.

Pictures incoming. Smiley
hero member
Activity: 539
Merit: 500
June 01, 2014, 02:47:40 PM
Great work on the pepper mining software!  

I'm running cgminer 4.3.4 on ubuntu 12.04 precise and can keep the temps down, but I'm having a little stability issue.  Happens on Windows or linux.

Miner drops out and then comes back as an HFA.  Tends to happen every 10 or 15 minutes.

Any thoughts?

edit: 850MHz at 90-91 degrees on all cores.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
June 01, 2014, 02:33:26 PM
damm!  keep blowing the breaker.

DUUUHHH!!  Roll Eyes  120vac * 15A = 1800W

can't put more than 2 haps per circuit!

amazing amount of heat

Image snip:

BTW - I wouldn't run chilies and hasps on the same instance of cgminer.  I got a significant jump by turning off the chilies

Where is the PCB rear inch thick heatsink ? 70% of the heat goes thru the vias ??
Plus looks like your board is warping from pressure of waterblock...

Also On Carpet ? carpet holds heat in (insulator) place miner on stone or metal rack.
full member
Activity: 163
Merit: 100
Account was hacked and now reclaimed.
June 01, 2014, 12:41:30 PM
Pepper Mining app is released! Read more about it at

Ill also be hanging out for a bit starting now on the freenode habanero channel.. join ##habanero and maybe I can answer any questions you have.

No words to describe it. Awesome work that you made, also all Pepper Mining team!
hero member
Activity: 552
Merit: 500
June 01, 2014, 12:22:41 PM
Pepper Mining app is released! Read more about it at

Ill also be hanging out for a bit starting now on the freenode habanero channel.. join ##habanero and maybe I can answer any questions you have.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
June 01, 2014, 12:07:29 PM
Any chance to get a package to write the firmware to Habanero boards ?

I hope that may fix the USB communication issue that I have with one board that is sitting idle for the last 2 days.

Here are the cgminer 4.3.4 errors on the board init:

 [2014-06-01 12:43:48] RES: Hashfast (7:24) lock ok=1
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] USB init, kernel attached ... - HFA device 7:24-i1
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] USB init, kernel detached ifinfo 0 interface 1 successfully - HFA device 7:24-i1
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] USB init - HFA device 7:24-i1 usbver=0200 prod='M1 Module' manuf='HashFast LLC' serial='d8cdc131329685845fd9de4cdd506e5f'
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] HFA : Sending OP_NAME frame
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] USB: HFA0 read1 buffering 32 extra bytes
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] HFA: Returned an OP_NAME
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] HFA: Found device with name dd506e5f
[2014-06-01 12:43:48] HFA : Sending OP_USB_INIT with GWQ protocol specified
[2014-06-01 12:43:49] HFA0: HFGetHeader (amt=0 err=-7 ern=0)
[2014-06-01 12:43:50] HFA0: HFGetHeader (amt=0 err=-7 ern=110)
[2014-06-01 12:43:50] HFA0: HFGetHeader (amt=0 err=-7 ern=110)
[2014-06-01 12:43:51] HFA0: HFGetHeader (amt=0 err=-7 ern=110)
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