
Topic: The HashRate Default Swap: A Macroprudential Crypto-Currency Treasury Approach (Read 379 times)

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I am a Grad Student working on a project and potential dissertation for a Philosophy Doctorate in Business Administration w/ a Concentration in an "Organizations & Social Change Track." If you are interested in having more options in Bitcoin and other Crypto-Currencies, feel free to donate to our gofundme campaign. My team will be building this Investment Bank [project] offshore and take this quite seriously, with the hopes of bringing it onshore later. We want to build it first and worry about customers later. As you can see from our simplistic brand name, we will not necessarily rely on crypto-currency to make money and so we are not posing as crypto-enthusiasts, but are being black-balled by big-pharma as a start-up and can truly identify with the struggle that is the crypto-currency community. Being that I haven't told my adviser about this project, due to, "other," "internal-external situations," my team and I intend to be lowkey and maneuver this bureaucracy as effectively as possible. Also, as the founder, I myself have been following Bitcoin since 2008 and didn't want to do any #FinTech inside of BitCoin until I had a comprehensive blueprint, which took about five fiscal years to compose. The more funding we get, the more information we can give to the public about how the "HashRate Default Swap Exchange, L.L.C.," Proprietary Financial Technology will work; but for right now, crowdfunding would allow for the filing of an offshore Investment Bank Charter and some of the basic fundamentals for development of the website; we don't want banking users until maybe, this time next year, or, maybe even later, but will try to have the HDSE rolled out by January. Just think, if each person in the community simply gave one dollar, to projects of their choice, so many people in the community would embrace that culture and much more projects would get funded. If you can't donate that's OK, but if you can, do so, because, as we build on the sub-domain software applications, we get closer and closer to needing the internet bank charter. This project is well seasoned and aged and we look forward to working with all crypto-currency communities.

The Pharmacy Bank & Trust Co., Inc. (Team)
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