Today we're going to provide you with some statistical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation of a coin called CounterParty. Currently it remains in TOP 10 daily gainers with a mean return of 5%. Volatility constitutes 23% (as of March 9rd) but it doesn't mean CounterParty is a risky investment. Check our data out!
We're using Monte Carlo to simulate path (sources of uncertainty) of potential returns of a given variable. Based on our mean and st deviation we come up with predicted normally distributed values within the 13h-23h time frame (trading hours). If you were to purchase 100 XCP coins initially and put in additional 10 every hour your final value would be as mentioned above. We also calculated valuer at risk model (VaR) of the simulated returns that says an investor would face a 5% probability of loosing a portion of the entire investment (which is not very risky). As such we might assume that CounterParty is a quite sustainable coin to keep your funds safe (or invest).
Any questions and comments are welcome!
what excel function did you use??
I am really sorry but we're planning on launching a paid subscription to our material and therefore cannot just write you a function. Hope you understand it.
i get it man
I'm sorry, i think that you have used some excel's original function
good luck!
If you get interested in our services we can compile a well-diversified portfolio for you. 5-6 preferred coins with expected short-term return and potential risk. Just let us know what you're up to!