
Topic: The KICKONOMY Reserve Fund (Read 215 times)

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October 19, 2017, 04:07:36 AM
With great help from our advisors, Roel Wolfert (Cryptocurrency Advisor at Bancor), Scott Morris (CEO and Founder of Ithacash) and Edgar Kampers (Cryptocurrency Department Manager at Qoin), we have developed the concept of KICKICO’s Reserve Fund. The KICKONOMY Reserve Fund serves the community to maintain the market value of Kick Tokens.
KICKICO takes commission from completed campaigns in two ways: there is a 4 percent fee in ETH and in case a project emits its own tokens an additional 4 percent fee is charged to the creators. 4 percent of the commission (where ETH is charged) will be used by KICKICO to maintain the platform’s functionality, and the ICO campaigns’ 4 percent will be transferred automatically to the KICKONOMY Reserve Fund.
Therefore, the more projects on the KICKICO platform the more funds to the KICKONOMY Reserve Fund. As the platform develops, an increased amount of tokens from third-party projects will be accumulated in the fund. Our estimates show that by 2019 the KICKONOMY Reserve Fund will consist of at least five hundred different tokens.
We are planning to register KICKONOMY as a separate non-profit entity. This will be possible when all the necessary regulatory approvals are received, primarily from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Subsequently, KICKONOMY will be officially registered as a separate legal entity (Reserve Fund). The KICKONOMY administration will be completely decentralized and handed over to the community, with KICKICO users annually electing delegates. Delegates will have the power to manage the fund to determine which tokens should be sold from the reserve fund.
Delegates will present their initiatives to the voters, with a 51 percent positive consensus rate necessary to achieve from the voting community. The main investment focus will be turned on projects that ensure the maximum turnover for KICKONOMY and the best liquidity for KICK Tokens.
The strategic goal of the fund is to maintain the value of KICK Tokens, reduce volatility, and provide the token holders with a uniform distribution of profits.
Goals of the Delegates:
Making investment decisions;
Ensuring effective, transparent and provable operations;
Risk Diversification;
Taking measures to ensure safety and preventing unforeseen situations.
Fund managers will restructurize quarterly the Reserve Fund by selling 25 percent of KICKONOMY’s tokens with the lowest capitalizations at the current market rates on cryptocurrency exchanges. This will happen for the first time on June 1, 2018.
The proceeds of the sales will be used to benefit the KICK Token from the market along with its subsequent burning to increase the value of the KICK Tokens.
For example, in a period of six months, if KICKICO raises $500 million in token charges, then the fund will be supplemented with $20 million’s woth of tokens.
For further information on the KICK Tokens, please check out our Whitepaper.
And as always, we are here 24/7 to assist you if any questions arise.
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