
Topic: The landing application of convergent DEFI finance DAPP DFBTC (Read 12 times)

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The ups and downs of the Bitcoin price let us really see the risk of a digital currency that lacks the support of the real economy. Even with the blessing of the blockchain halo, the risks of Bitcoin still cannot be ignored.
How can you ensure that your digital currency assets will not shrink?
DFBTC aims to solve the huge volatility risk of BTC and the lack of liquidity of cross-chain high-quality assets. Through the issuance of standard ERC 20 standard digital assets, through the addition of anti-risk models and yield methods, it can resist risks and cross-chain high-quality BTC assets. The chain is transferred to Ethereum. DFBTC adopts 1:10000 ratio pledge casting, through DFBTC to increase BTC cross-chain applications, making high-quality encrypted assets more efficient.
DFBTC is safe and efficient, resists risks, and increases cross-chain liquidity. The entire process remains open and transparent, completely decentralized, and anyone can freely initiate an audit.
Users are unwilling to exchange their digital currency into other digital currencies, obtain the equivalent DFBTC through pledge, and then can trade on other chains, and can redeem their equivalent digital currency at the end of the transaction.
DFBTC uses technology to solve the decentralized cross-chain, allowing Bitcoin to obtain interest assets without loss; similar to how you exchange Bitcoin into legal currency and put it in the bank, you get interest. Bitcoin solves zero-interest assets through DFBTC, and you can also get interest. Assets, so that users' digital currency assets are guaranteed and get double benefits.
The goal of AOM is to establish a decentralized bitcoin yield financial system, to provide all users around the world with bitcoin's stable yield ecology and governance mechanism and decentralized cross-chain tokens. AOM is a multi-token system. The only interest AOM can be obtained by staking DFBTC. Holding DFBTC can participate in the fair governance of the community. According to the project, the team has broken through Bitcoin's cross-Ethereum chain decentralization technology and set AOM as a cross-chain token. All transaction collaterals of DFBTC and DFBTC are generated transparently and carried out on the chain. AOM is established on Ethereum, the largest decentralized application ecosystem, and aims to provide users around the world with unique, easy-to-use and highly transparent financial services for bitcoin yield assets.
Our DFBTC economic model is mainly divided into three parts. As everyone knows, our previous information has explained that DFBTC is a cross-chain of BTC to other main chains to increase liquidity and diversity of DEFI investment. In our V1 version, we cross-chain to the Ethereum mainline and provide the community and users with diversified DEFI investment options. First of all, users can choose to make DFBTC by investing in shares. We are the first DAPP on the entire network to anchor digital assets with double interest, and the first DAPP on the entire network to anchor digital assets with 100% decentralization.
The first part is Staking
He can double interest, and users can get BTC and AOM at the same time.
The second part is the guarantee node
The guarantor node has the corresponding mortgage asset custody bitcoin, and can obtain the custody fee and mortgage asset income.
The third part is borrowing
Users can choose between deposit business and loan business, such as depositing a high-quality asset to earn interest, and other assets can be directly loaned out.
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