my prediction was a floor between $100 - $700 at the end of this year. I know its wide but that's the upper an lower bounds of my log graph.
I thought there had to be crash, and it would be lower than the 500 - 600 level, maybe 250 - 350, or even 170.
It seem we may see a slow slide punctuated by a few sharp drops to 500 or sub 500.....would not be out of the question now.
Equally it could rise to +1K very easily and above.
What I do think is correct though is a order of 10 increase every 12 - 13 months, until saturation
I guess the last 250 to 50 gave some precedent for 5x drop, so 1200 / 5 = 240.....+ some extra volatility, plus the 32 to 2 slide gives a 16 x yeah I *thought* it possible, I not a bear by the way, kinda perma bull, but sorta not as well, as I just don't think I can bear to bring BTC back to FIAT (no pun intended)
I admire your logic, but the 250 to 50 was more like 250 to 100. In this context, that is like 1200 to 480, which we approximately reached during the Chinese anti-rally albeit for a shorter period.