This thread has been closed, because the LuckyBit Bitcoin Talk Affiliate Campaign has been permanently discontinued. I still accept signature abuse reports via PM, but we are no longer paying for signature advertising at all.
What is this thread for?This thread is dedicated to gathering abuse reports against the
LuckyBit Bitcoin Talk Affiliate Campaign.
This thread is self-moderated, only abuse reports pertinent to the LuckyBit ad campaign belong here. I hope this thread never needs to be used.
If you see a spam post that bears the LuckyBit signature, know of someone that is abusing the signature campaign system, or have an issue with a campaign participant abusing the forum, this is the place to report it. All LuckyBit signatures (will) carry a link to report spam in this thread. If you are reporting an abusive post, please be sure to include all the required details (see the first reply).
When should I report a post?In general, you should only report a post here if the post bears a LuckyBit signature, and meets one of these requirements:
* The post is an unconstructive bump/spam post, is off-topic for the thread, or is unwelcome within the topic of discussion.
* The post is clearly inflammatory, begging for coins, disparaging LuckyBit or its competition.
* The poster is artificially inflating post count by replying to his own alts. (evidence required)
* The poster is known to have alts enrolled in signature campaigns. (evidence required)
* The poster has been banned for a period longer than seven days. (evidence required)
* The posting account was bought or sold during enrollment. (evidence required)
What should I not report?Please don't report contest entries, allowed bumps within a thread created by the same person, auction bids, short but pertinent posts such as "thank you for the information", regular forum violations that don't affect the campaign, low-quality posts, or copypasta. Please only report
abusive behavior - I can discount unqualified posts manually.
Should I report posts that also violate forum rules?Yes - report them to the moderator first, then to me if they aren't immediately deleted.
This post isn't really spam, but doesn't belong. Should I report it?Yes. The worst thing that can happen is nothing.
What if someone abuses the report thread?That's against forum rules and will be appropriately dealt with.
Dude, you suck!That's not what the people in my signature campaign think.