
Topic: The main myth of the state Israel (Read 75 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 1022
April 30, 2024, 11:31:39 AM
Interesting fact: TV channel 9 Russian-speaking repatriates has never invited a representative from the opposition calling for the resignation of Netanyahu, who is unable to free the hostages, and who cannot achieve the goals set by himself. I dare to suggest that the reason for this is the absence of a person among the Russian-speaking repatriates with a humane and tolerant view of the problem. For example, when Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, there was not a single repatriate from Russia who regretted what happened. All of them are 99% right-wing.
The expression “two states for two peoples” is not popular on Channel 9, and is even banned.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1022
April 20, 2024, 11:45:14 AM
Alik Bakhshi

The main myth of the state Israel

     The Middle East is rich in myths and tales that originated in ancient times and are interesting from a historical point of view about people's view of the world. However, as reality shows, myth-making has not been forgotten and in our time new myths are being born. Thus, in fascist Germany a myth appeared about peoples parasitizing on the labor of other peoples and therefore subject to destruction, which led to the genocide of Jews and Gypsies. Strange as it may seem, the Jewish people were infected with the myth-making virus, which affected the fate of the Arab people of Palestine, who, according to the myth, unlike the Arabs of other countries, are for some reason incapable of organizing their own state, as provided for by the well-known UN decision on the creation of a mandated territory on Palestine, two states for two peoples. Therefore, from the very first days of their state, the Jews had to shoulder the burden of caring for somehow arranging a more or less tolerable existence for the mentally deprived Palestinian people. Moreover, these people, like a stubborn and disobedient child, sometimes show dissatisfaction and organize terrorist attacks, and therefore, for security purposes, they had to surround the territory allocated to the Arabs with barbed wire and a concrete wall. Such living conditions are defined as apartheid.
   On the other hand, some doubt arises about the authenticity of the myth about the lack of mental development of the Palestinians, because in fact they initially did not have the opportunity to create their own state. Perhaps this opportunity should have been provided first. True, it must be said that Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin somehow intended to give the Palestinians such an opportunity, but was killed by a Jewish religious terrorist. After which the God-fearing people of the Torah, it seems, decided not to tempt fate any longer and remain completely faithful to the myth of the underdevelopment of the Palestinian people.

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