Announcing RootProject’s First #MyRootProject Contest
Hello! We represent
RootProject, a crowdfunding platform that links cryptocurrency and non-profits to help the poor.
We have just launched a 1 BTC contest for the best non-profit pro social good project proposal.
We put this single bitcoin aside at a very different time. We wanted to give it away to a member of our community that came up with the best idea for a community crowdfunding campaign that fits our crowdfunding model. At the time we thought we were being generous with a $4000 or so grant. Now, of course it’s worth more than $15,000. But, we set it aside then, and are sticking to our crypto guns. We’re still going to give 1 BTC to the winner.
We’ve already got a bunch of crowdfunding campaigns underway and we are excited to see them get closer to their goals! Now it’s time to crowdsource some ideas from our community.
What is #MyRootProject? Quite simply, RootProject is going to fund one project with a budget up to $25,000 out the funds raised during our ICO. If you propose the winning project, you’ll get 1 BTC in your wallet that day.
RootProject will be taking proposals from members of our Telegram group and whittling them down to a final three. Those finalists will get a chance to work with RootProject to flesh out their ideas, provide final cost estimates, and formulate a plan to implement the projects if they are chosen. Once we announce the finalists, we will turn to our community on Telegram to vote for a winner. The winning project will get funded out of the proceeds from our ICO and will get started as soon as possible after our ICO period closes.
Have an exciting idea but need some help finding the funds? Can you think of a project but are not sure how to execute? Propose it as part of the #MyRootProject campaign and get help and resources to start making a difference in your community!
Project submissions must be proposed via telegram:
Telegram Group — provide your project’s name, purpose, location, an estimate of costs, and any partner organizations you might want to include in the project.
Please include all this information in one single telegram message. And please tag Shannon Kane in our Telegram by tagging your telegram message @ShannonK
Judging Criteria:
RootProject will choose 3 finalist proposals based on these criteria:
Impact — how many people will we help and how will executing your project improve people’s lives?
Innovation — we’re always trying to encourage innovative ideas. Show us you’ve got something new and exciting in mind!
Feasibility — we are looking for projects that can be executed quickly — the less red tape to cut through the better.
Submission Deadline:
The final day of the RootProject ICO will serve as the deadline for proposals.
Prize:The winning proposal will receive funding from RootProject of up to $25,000 to be spent to execute the project.
The person who proposes the winning project will also receive 1 BTC.