Snylting på trygd og velferdsstaten provoserer folk (flest) langt meir enn myndighetenes ønske om kontroll. At det skal blir enklare for pakket å sende trygda heim til lollistan er isolert sett en negativ konsekvens av cryptocurrency.
The fundamental issue is the level of control that the government is pushing upon its citizens, or shall we say 'slaves'.
- Is it okay in the future to take DNA from all newborns? After all it would solve a lot of crimes.
- Is it okay to implant a chip in all citizens, so that they can constantly be monitored, wherever they go? This surely would solve a lot of crimes!
The fundamental problem is that the Govt. is eroding the rights of the citizens step by step. Norway is not the worst, but read about
Indefinite detention, where a number of countries hold citizens in jail without a trial.
There are numerous incidents where law abiding citizens have gone through an absolute nightmare before being released.
At the core of the issue is that as long as we accept that control is tightened year by year, eventually we will have no freedom.
"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."- Benjamin Franklin
As for fraud in Norway in general, look at all the state projects that have spiraled out of total control with huge amounts of money wasted. Some people would claim this is a crime against the population. Is this less worse than fraud conducted by persons exploiting the well-fare system?
Anyway, to again go to the core of the issue:
If I withdrew a certain amount of USD and kept them in a bag, because I wanted to go to somewhere in Africa and start a business, this would be absolutely nothing the Norwegian govt. should concern themselves with. What's at stake here is personal freedom, the money you own is yours. If the government suspect that you've evaded taxes, then that is a case for them to investigate. They should not put in a rule that affected all citizens freedom to attempt to combat a certain problem.
How would you like if you got stopped several times and checked at random intervals in every major city, because the Govt. wanted to make sure that you carried no firearm or knife on your person? They could easily use the excuse that this is to prevent robberies and rapes.
Or how would you like it if you a few times a year was visited by a government entity that demanded urine and blood samples to check whether you use any type of drugs. You would have no idea where that information went afterwards, and minor offences could in effect ruin your life, but it sure would solve a lot of crimes!
How far should we allow this to develop, that's the question?