
Topic: 😷💊💉🚑 The price of Eva Zagladko's life is 200 000 $ CANCER! 🚑💉💊😷 (Read 150 times)

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Nobody knows for sure. Obviously the doctors don't in Eva's case. So...

Check out the drug fenbendazole. Do your own research, but check these sites to start - and

copper member
Activity: 377
Merit: 0
Molie Messenger
Sent 0.06 BTC. Personally familiar with Eva's Mom. Huge request to support Eva financially. It's very hard. We believe that here on BTT it is possible to collect the necessary amount for a brave cause.

With respect!
Impleum Core Team
copper member
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
Guys, all is serious. 10 bucks too can do the trick. For you, this is a couple of cups of coffee, and for a girl this is a chance.

Proof address Bitcoin Wallet (post Mom Eva in the official group)
BTC: 1FTTNuoF59iDe4cfjwniaydA3MpUfDPnnQ

copper member
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
A huge request from the Admins not to delete the message and fix it in the topic header. Perhaps the crypt is the only option to quickly collect the required amount of the girl. Everything is very serious.


A cry for help for a little girl, Eva Zagladko, who has been struggling with the terrible disease "CANCER DIASEASE" for more than 9 months already !!!
Let's all help Eve overcome cancer disease!

Diagnosis: nephroblastoma on the left side, stage 3, high-risk group.
Tumor recurrence during primary treatment.
Need advice and treatment in Germany.

200 000 $ for the salvation of Eve.

On May 13, 2019:

Fee amount: 200 000$
For now we have: 94 000 гpн + 500 $. + 0.006 BTC (47.48$)
In dollars total: 4107 $
Leftover collection: 195 893 $



Xyдeнькaя дeвoчкa в пaлaтe — Eвa Зaглaдькo. Hoвaя мaлышкa, кoтopoй нe пoвeзлo cтoлкнyтьcя c oнкoлoгиeй.

COBCEM ДPУГOЙ PEБЁHOК! Haшa мaлeнькaя пpинцecca Eвa Зaглaдькo cвoим пpимepoм пoдтвepждaeт пpaвилo.

Двe пoдpyжки, двe cecтpички, Eвa Зaглaдькo и Aнeчкa Дeгтяь. Эти кpacoтки мнoгoe дeлaют вмecтe. Bмecтe кyшaют. Bмecтe игpaют. Bмecтe шaлят. Bмecтe плaчyт. И вмecтe филocoфcтвyют o вeщax, кoтopыe кaжyтcя cлишкoм взpocлыми для ниx.

ИCКЛЮЧИTЬ «ИЛИ» ИЛИ 12000 ГPH ЗA ПPAЗДHИКИ! Ужe мнoгo-мнoгo лeт paзнoгo poдa пpaздники и выxoдныe вызывaют y мeня чyвcтвo cтpaxa. Чтo бyдeт? Цeйтнoт? Или вcё пpoйдёт глaдкo и тиxo?

This is not just a post, not just a request, this is a cry for help!
Eve's parents have previously faced the fact that everything in Germany is long. Therefore, now, while they are still waiting for the treatment protocol and pricing, they decided not to be idle.
Their situation was evaluated by Turkish and Israeli doctors. In Turkey, they were refused, they can not help. In Israel, Eva agreed to accept as soon as possible the Hadassi clinic. They were invited to a survey, which cost $ 15,000. And the follow-up treatment, which includes surgery and autologous bone marrow transplantation, is estimated to cost approximately 200 000$.
We will receive an invoice with the exact full cost of the treatment after the examination. And in order to be able to immediately carry out the operation and start treatment, you need to deposit a minimum of 100 000 $ (this amount should already be in your hands upon arrival for an examination).

Thanks to the power of Facebook, the parent has a portion of the amount to pass the survey. But the most important part is the treatment, and they will not pull it by themselves.

Therefore, now we ask everyone to place a publication, make a repost, ask their friends, acquaintances, and colleagues for this. We believe that with your help, Eve will be well soon.


UAH 4149 4978 6031 8908 Zagladko Yevgeniy (Privat)
UAH 5168 7573 7856 4902 Zagladko Olena (Privat)
UAH 5375 4141 0361 8392 Zagladko Olena (Monobank)
USD 5168 7573 8324 3690 Olena Zahladko
EUR 5168 7573 8324 3682 Olena Zahladko

About the disease:
Until June 2018, Eva was fine, she was engaged in dancing, acrobatics, and so on. There were no health complaints. In June, Eva became ill with the flu, which prompted the growth of the tumor. A week after the flu, a lump appeared under the ribs. Let's go to OKHMATDIT, an ultrasound was done, and an education was found on the left kidney, 3.14 inches in size. There we were given referral to the Cancer Institute. At the Cancer Institute, everything happened very slowly, did nothing and lost time. A week later I went and did CT. Education has grown to 6.2 inches. We were consulted in the children's department of the CICTC, and we turned to them there, hoping for quick decisions. Doctors saw our CT scanner and diagnosed it as nephroblastoma. Initially, we did not have metastasis, so we put the second stage. On the same day we went to the hospital. We installed a central venous catheter and injected preparations of the first block of preoperative chemotherapy (Cosmegen and Vincristine). In just a week, there were 4 preoperative chemotherapy departments, after which the operation was coming. But a few days after the last block, complications began. The level of hemoglobin in our body decreased to 60 units (110 - 160 norms), the liver passed (enzymes exceeded the norm by more than 1000 times), abdominal ascites (fluid accumulation) and edema began. With such complications, surgery cannot be done, so it was postponed and active treatment began. Having stabilized the liver, we started having stomatitis, which also postponed the operation. Nearly a month after the last chemotherapy, Eva’s condition was brought out. Indicators return to normal, after which an operation is performed. The operation lasted 6 hours and passed with complications.
The tumor was inflamed and soldered to all the internal organs that were affected. The surgeon had to cut it off from the intestines, walls of the abdominal cavity, stomach, spleen, and even pierce the diaphragm. But the tumor was still broken, and part of the fluid that was inside the capsule of the tumor fell into the abdominal cavity.
As a result, one kidney was removed along with the tumor removed.
Histological examination of the tumor indicated a moderate degree of risk. But due to the fact that the tumor broke during the operation, the treatment protocol was prescribed, as with a high degree of risk, the nephroblastoma stage was established - 3.
Eva was prescribed 12 chemotherapy blocks and 17 courses of radiation therapy.
Eva received radiation therapy in parallel with the first two blocks of chemotherapy. Every day, except weekends, under anesthesia only 17 days.
Each chemotherapy block is a child's connection to the device, which takes into account the number of intravenous chemotherapeutic and auxiliary drugs. 1 block lasts for four days, without a break for the night, without the possibility of disconnecting (except for radiotherapy).
After a break from 21 to 30 days, it is restored and proceeds to the next block.
After each block of chemistry, all indicators of blood tests begin to fall and maintenance therapy begins - antibiotics, antifungals, bone marrow stimulants, immunomodulators, corticosteroids, blood transfusions ...
We conduct a general analysis and blood tests almost every day in order to track indicators and respond quickly to changes. Every month we do ultrasounds, and every 3 months we do a CT scan.
After the sixth block on the ultrasound, a tumor was detected, which was not previously present.
The doctors decided to cancel the education, which was also confirmed by CT.
After surgery, the education was given for histological examination. This showed that it is a metastasis with very small pathomorphosis (pathomorphosis are signs that the formation was somehow treated). As a result, we concluded that this chemotherapy protocol is not entirely effective.
In order not to waste time and not be left without therapy, we still entered the seventh unit.
In the meantime, tumor tissue samples, computed tomography and medical history were sent to Germany, Munich, for additional research and consultations with their doctors.
The histological conclusion of the German doctors fully confirmed the diagnosis and our findings. This means that treatment must be changed. We consulted with the chief physician of radiology and radiation therapy at the Großhadern clinic in Munich. Radiation therapy is now fading into the background, because we have already received a significant dose of radiation after the first operation. Therefore, we are now waiting for the protocol of chemotherapy from the professor at the Schwabing Clinic, also Munich. Recovering after the seventh block of chemistry, they made a control ultrasound ... and again something similar to education in the pelvic organs on the right. On March 21, they made an MRI, and the result was education in the field of OMT metastasis. On Monday, March 25th With the results of MRI and images, we go to a surgeon, we pass tests and plan an operation. This will be the third.

And to all this, an inguinal hernia was also added, so as not to appear small.
On Monday, March 25th, they consulted a surgeon, he studied an MRI. Metastasis is not working now, it is soldered to the rectum. To divide and reduce it, 17 sessions of radiation therapy and other chemotherapeutic drugs (temodal and irinotecan) were prescribed. After passing the radiation, we perform an MRI scan and, based on its results, we plan an operation.

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