Based on life experience, and logic, here is my prediction.
Bitcoin will eventually go to the moon, the big question is when. That I don't know. But I do know that it will happen within the next few years.
1. It has already been ruled that it is considered property. It is a recognized asset in the US.
2. ETFs are being formed and will be ready for Wall Street investors by the end of this year.
3. Have you ever seen Bitcoin billboards when driving around the highway? I have, people do take notice of these things.
4. Stanford Business School, the TOP Business School in America, has a professor as a board member. These Ivy League schools has huge influences.
5. Infrastructure is being set up, and a real eco-system will be in place by the end of this year.
6. If 10% of the America population, 30 million people, invested 100 bucks, that would be 3 Billion dollars into the market, that would drive the price WAY OVER the ATH, probably close to 10,000 each.
7. Google is going to integrate this with google wallet.
8. Ebay has recognized it by creating a category just for Bitcoins and other crypto currency
9. Paypal is working on integrating bitcoins into their system.
10. Developing countries TRUST bitcoins more than their own currencies.
Feel free to add to this list. It goes on forever, it goes to show that Bitcoin has a bright future. Anyone spreading negativity about it and saying it is dead in the near future has no idea what they are talking about. And if they can give a GOOD answer to this question they might convince me otherwise.
When was the last time, a technology, has caught the attention of all the governments in the world at the same time, that is not owned by any 1 party, and what is this? And how did it do?
I think a mere 300 million dollars invested into BTC would drive the price close to 10,000 because only a fraction of the coins in existence are for sale at price below 10,000. I know I will not sell below 10,000 except what I need for living expenses and maybe a small portion to trade with. I would like to hear some expert opinions on what percentage of coins are in long-term cold storage (will not be sold within one year no matter what the price).