In the end that proved to be Shitler's undoing. Had Shitler refrained from attacking the USSR, the Brits would have been speaking German instead of English now. The national dish of Fruitan will be dick shaped sausages, and London would have been renamed to Adolphsburg. But unfortunately, Shitler was more interested in exterminating the Slavs, than bringing Western and Central Europe under the Third Reich.
The historical context is that nazi germany wasnt interested in conquering western europe. Its main target was always the "lebensraum" in the east with the extermination/slavery of the native population.
Indeed hitler was a big fan of the british empire and their size - you could probaly say it was one of the role models for the third reich.
But the UK declared war on nazi germany because of the three nation alliance UK-poland-france.
For sure if there was no war with the west Hitler would have accomplished what napoleon failed to do.
But well if you are a megalomaniac everything seems possible.