I don't know of any Ponzi or Pyramid where some users have not lost big.
All investment schemes are shady deals, this thread is an attempt to provide you with another tool to help you make a better informed decision.
Here are the rules:
1. There are no good schemes here, if the Ponzi is currently working and paying you out. That's when you don't post here about it.
2. Be prepared to prove your claims. Users who are out because of Ponzi are like sheep crying shears. This is the place to cry Woolf.
3. This post will not be updated or maintain a list of the frauds. Search the thread for your Ponzi, if you find it start reconsidering.
Cheers and good luck.
I don't know of any Ponzi or Pyramid where some users have not lost big.
All investment schemes are shady deals, this thread is an attempt to provide you with another tool to help you make a better informed decision.
Here are the rules:
1. There are no good schemes here, if the Ponzi is currently working and paying you out. That's when you don't post here about it.
2. Be prepared to prove your claims. Users who are out because of Ponzi are like sheep crying shears. This is the place to cry Woolf.
3. This post will not be updated or maintain a list of the frauds. Search the thread for your Ponzi, if you find it start reconsidering.
Cheers and good luck.
1) No one has ever lost on my site. Ever! OK, well, Its new. 7dayponzi.com
2) i posted escrow security... how you say that ALL ponzi are scam???
3) All state lotteryies are ponzi
4) US social security is a ponzi