Soon after Paypal, Visa, and Mastercard cut off donations to Wikileaks, then "Anonymous" got involved with a series of high profile hacks that accomplished nothing but making hackers look dangerous providing pretext for legislation to crack down on the internet. Remember this is also around the time they were trying to push the SOPA legislation. The real kicker is the media put this on blast for about 6 months straight, and the media never covers information unless those in control want you to see it. If they make a mistake and cover the wrong story it disappears along with the jobs of whoever published it. This demonstrated to me very clearly that Wikileaks/Anonymous were part of an op, not any kind of true resistance. If they were legitimate resistance they would have been blacked out in the media, not covered consistently for months.
Then of course there was Occupy which had heavy Anonymous involvement, Lulzsec, and after that Snowden. In my opinion Snowden was following orders when he did what he did. Again, just like in the Wikileaks case, the media was all over this covering it for months and months. Not only again did he provide more pretext for internet crackdown, he caused a serious blow to the US tech sector as international companies dumped US products and services in favor of what they saw as more trustworthy sources. This was also right in the middle of the call by many nations to give more international control of the internet. In addition this put everyone globally on the same page letting them know Uncle Sam is watching them, providing a chill effect. Then he went to Russia as a nice cherry on top to make the Russians look like the bad guys and give the US pretext for creating more pressure on Russia in preparation for the Ukraine invasion that was soon to follow.
In short this accomplished many of the goals of the globalist agenda, weakening the US economy in order to provide an international power vacuum from its collapse, providing a push for international control of the net, creating hysteria over hackers justifying totalitarian internet legislation, demonizing Russia by sending Snowden there, and also putting the world on notice that they are being watched to create a massive chill effect. This is just the strategy of sockpuppeting extended into real life and at a much larger scale. Also in the end, the world now has a hero figure to worship that they can use to control the opposition and use as an outlet for disinformation at any time.