China seems to be quite serious about taking Taiwan back completely. The US has promised protection for Taiwan. The US has made a serious mistake in promising this protection, so here is what the US is doing to fix the mistake.
Besides China being a world power, the US does a lot of trade with both, China and Taiwan. Protecting Taiwan from China jeopardizes US trade relations with China, in addition to potentially making China an active enemy.
Enter Russia. Under top secret agreements with Russia, the US is supplying her with military equipment and funds to start a war with China (if necessary), to take China's eyes off Taiwan. To make it look good, the US is sending the $billions in military aid to the Ukraine, as well as $billions in funding (that is not being accounted for). All Russia has to do is beat down the Ukraine military, and take the equipment and funds as a reward.
Since this is the way the so-called war is being played out - Russia beating the Ukraine - and the media is spouting lies both in favor of Ukraine at times and Russia at other times, all eyes are taken off the fact that Russia is being supplied with $billions in aid, mostly in US military equipment that they capture.
Since the US is weakening itself by doing this, I would warn all countries of the world to prepare for war. Why? Because nobody knows when the US or Russia will break their secret agreement about China. It could happen, because countries are breaking agreements all over the place. Russia just might use US war equipment against the US and conquer America.