Working for monsanto? Or maybe a "farmer", i prefer the term wealth extractor through marginal foodpoisonning.
It's already there: cancer up, allergies up, autism up, diabeties up... but to be fair it's not only gmo it's the industrial way : too cheap has a heavy price price.
But in this tragedy (the contamination of the food chains, it's privatization, and the health consequences) is that more and more see-eye-hey, nsa, marines families are and will be afffected. And so you can see how it will end. Those profiting now will not survive, and it will already great to spare the live of their children (who are impacted too).
Anyway WAR is ON! Monsanto agents in russia are fertilizers.
Have fear. Nothing has changed in Motherland: small datcha (all is relative) bit safe datcha. No crosspolination.
All suits are brown in mud and no rip but may the trees grow