Hey Hugolp, we understand you are the hardest working moderator on this forum, keeping trolls in control and also educating people, but dont throw the towel with your humanitarian task!!
Seriously I am learning a lot in this thread.
Hey, you say that the whole process of money creation does not mean government pay debt on created money. Thanks for clarifying this, I had that exact doubt. Now consider this, as banks create the money, does this mean that PEOPLE, not governments have to pay interest for "the privilege" of having money in the economy? In other words, the whole society has to pay banks just to have money circulating, because we have to borrow money for it to exist? Is as we had to pay banks to have blood circulating through our bodies, instead of creating our own blood? Maybe that was the meaning of the movie.
Your thoughs?
Yes, there is something like that to the system, but there are important things to take into consideration.
First, debt is not inherenlty bad. If you work and get money it is completely legitimate that you lend that money to someone because you believe in his project. And the same way you get some money when you rent your house or your car or whatever, you get some moeney whe you rent your money. You are refusing to use your money for a while in exchange to getting some more in the future. This way people that have a good idea but not the resources can still devlop their project and become more productive. The problem is when you are not lending your savings (that you worked to get), but when you are charging interest for something you created out of thin air. And apart from charging interest from nothing you are competing unfairly with the people that is working and saving. Also they create all types of distortions on the economy because now everybody thinks there are a lot more resources because they see more money (bubbles).
Answering to your questions, yes. Basically the present system is designed to benefit banks and politicians at our expense. Banks can lend out much more money thatn they could without a central bank, because they know that if they go too far with the reserve ratio there can not be a bank run because the central bank will cover them. So they loan out all they can and earn interest on that. And the politicians get a lot more money than they would with direct taxes only. The central bank monetizes the government debt, lowering the interest rates, and basically giving fre emoney to the politicians. Because people has a hard time asociating the rising prices with this actions because they take even years to develop politicians get awya with it, when they would not get away with rising taxes.
And obviously, we are the suckers here because we pay all this with higher prices. And specially the poor and middle clases. Because the people who is closer to the money source (bankers, politicians and their corporate budies) get to spend the money when it has not yet circulated and the prices have not yet rised. The ones at the end of the chain (basically wage earners) get screwed because prices rise when their wages have not yet actuallized. Basically the further away from the money source (the central bank) you are, the more screwed you are.
In that sentence was just pointing out that our government currently has debt/interest burdens (i.e. we have non-Fed debts) which is different from the movie because the movie advocated the government create money to eliminate debt/interest burdens.
Anyway, I think I see where you are coming from with the Fed already having the ability to create money to pay off all our government debts except for the debt to the Fed, but the debt to the Fed wouldn't really matter because the Fed could refund the government any interest payments the government had to pay the Fed. This isn't the exact "no debt and no interest" solution advocated by the movie, but I now see how the net result could effectively be the same.
The government still demands credit from other sources than the central bank because the limitation of printing money is rising prices. If you print too much it will get to a point when even the dumbest person will realize what is up and will revolt. In fact, there are numerous revolutions and government collapses that are preceded by rising prices due to the government trying to print its way out of whatever mess they created. In a sense, its kind of what every government is trying to do right now.