These references discuss the prevalence of sociopaths in political and religious ideology, how they disguise themselves, and the lengths they'll go to in order to avoid detection.
Anarchists is not amoral egotism. As does any avant garde social movement, anarchism attracts more than its share of flakes, parasites, and outright sociopaths, persons simply looking for a glamorous label to cover their often-pathological selfishness, their disregard for the rights and dignity of others, and their pathetic desire to be the center of attention. people rebel against the legal and social rules imposed by a society. The possible causes are many: super egos, narcissism, and a whole Pandora’s box of other mental aberrations. Anarchists, whether violent or not, are often sociopaths for this reason.
Libertarians, even the Mormons, who I can hardly agree with them on anything are truely some of the nicest people I’ve met, even when I have to turn them away from my door. The rest of libertarians are expressing their socialpathic personality. don't even know how anyone can think like this, but it is a perfect example of the newly normalized "only me, not thee" thinking of the Libertarian Right. (...) This is what a sociopath looks like. In the 19th century, the same principle was expressed when Dickens wrote "Let them die, and decrease the surplus population." Yes, people still believe this, especially those who also claim to be Christians. come in two flavors: Sociopath and Confused. With the latter, it is possible to argue; the former should best seek professional help.
Liberals of a Liberal Sociopath: Billionaire George Soros Helped Nazis Murder & Steal from Jews, Feels No Remorse or Guilt. (...)
Conservatives better understand the debate between liberals and conservatives, I have analyzed the underlying assumptions that lead to a split in dialog. I am certain that there is a strong correlation between being a sociopath and a conservative.
Catholics George Pell and other leaders of the Catholic Church had "a sociopathic lack of empathy" towards a family whose lives were ripped apart after a priest abused their daughters, a parliamentary inquiry into child abuse has been told.
Muslims psychological condition Sennels may have overlooked is sociopathy. Muslims are sociopaths, and the few who break away from that interior totalitarianism are the -- repeat after me, kids -- exceptions that prove the rule.
Jews propose that there are basically two kinds of jews which constitute the jewish population. Creatives and Sociopaths. More on evidence and theory about how and why this occurs in the following posts.
Christians Religious Sociopath is a highly intelligent person who is manipulative and cunning with superficial charm. Justifying his selfish motivations as permissible because “God wants me to do it for the good of the group,” he does not recognize the rights of others.
Buddhists is an intriguing post to me. The more I read and study Buddhism, the more I realize that this state of detaching from one's feelings is something that sociopaths do without even trying.