Sometimes old investors also fall victim to this kind of scamming method because those scammers have some techniques that haven't been listed in the books yet. that's why when some projects offer you some high returns, it already gives you a reason not to invest in their platforms because it is obviously a red flag and there is no need to further investigate their whitepapers and roadmaps. But there's nothing you can people become greedy because they are already blinded by false promises and the only thing that will make them awake is when they see their investments are gone because the price has crashed and will never recover again.
But if they could just understand the type of investment they are participating on for sure they can determine how risky this investment they are participating on that's why all investors should know that if there's something offer like giving you a huge advantage to other if you invest some amount for their project then this is totally huge red flag to take. Especially if they are not really true to the words they are saying since for sure we know how those project will end up since we see a lot of them fall instantly.
I guess we need to learn from other methods used by scammer and we shouldn't let them fool us by using other word innovative tech introduce so that they can't harm us financially. If we really want to invest with them then we should do all safety precaution since this makes us more smarter than those scammers.