For those who don't realize it, 'flat earth' is a psychological operation with a very specific purpose. Lazy people can use it when they are losing an argument about a real thing or when they need to divert attention.
Nobody I know who questions the corp/gov narrative on things like vaccines, global warming, fluoride, 5G, etc, 'believes in flat earth'. In fact it is to rediculous to put any thought into.
But the association between 'flat earth' and other contrarian positions is a lie that has been repeated over and over again. Quite deliberately.
If you see someone inject 'flat earth' into any conversation you can know that the person injecting it is either a promoter or a victim of this particular psy-op.
There's probably a lot more overlap between 5G COVID towers and fluoride mind control than you might think, unfortunately. In fact, I like to think that people that who believed in those things needed something a bit more outlandish, so they went with the flat earth.