Do you support the class actions and arguments / claims?
Will you join the class actions in the US?
If you are not US citizens / US based "investors", and want to get the "refund", what will you do?
First, I must inform you one would have been making a contribution in a fundraiser (not ICO) for a Swiss foundation, not purchasing tokens, buying shares, stock, etc. The foundation will recommend allocation of tokens in the genesis block based on contributions.
The Tezos network is aiming to be ready to launch in February though be advised that delays in software development can occur.
All the best.
Thanks for sharing!
Seems like a pretty weak response from the Tezos team to me. It is obvious they have no clue what comes next.
I have this weird feeling they will somehow pay (aka "settle" with) Gevers for millions just to make him leave.
But that wont keep away all the lawsuits. Even if they win the lawsuits, the costs and complexity of it all can substantially impact the whole thing.
I see serious lack of leadership here.