Thank you for your response and I appreciate your comment. You are very correct, is the best choice for the creation of masternodes for non-technical investors who are looking to achieve a healthy return on their investment.
I have personal used the Snode platform for 6 months, and have been astounded by their professionalism, and business practices. Their support and daily emails after purchasing and investing in a masternode have been astounding, and I trully believe that they are one of the very best in the industry.
I wrote this book to help others find the best and most trusted masternode options online, and to help the crypto community not only retain, but grow their wealth overtime, if that means you must escape national currencies for any reason at all -- then you can be rest assured that 'Proof of Stake' crypto currencies will allow you the freedom to generate livable and sustainable interest upon the principal amount. In my book entitled, "Masternodes Business Services Investment Guide: Ultimate Investor Edition", I teach individuals how to grow and retain their wealth through their crypto assets.
I thank you for your time. I look forward to receiving any questions, comments and, concerns from the community.