You should expect more of this misleading rubbish. Without the UK, the Keiser Reich will disintegate. For example 80% of their banking is routed through London, they can't replace that. We have a 16% shareholding in their investment fund, and that will have to be repaid to us. Gina Miller has received nearly a million pounds from Soros to try to derail Brexit. That in itself should be enough to persuade people we should leave. There are many more issues that mean we need to leave the EU with a clean cut, and negotiate trade terms with individual countries afterwards. The EU cannot make trade deals, it can only erect trade barriers and tariffs.
btw - I'm a long term supporter of Brinin - Britain shoud never have gone in in the first place.
Had more in me kitchen for Sunday lunch^^^
The EU is un elected BUMS ..
The way the EU gangster bums carry on i see 900 million EUROPEANS attacking the
EU GERMAN NAZI CREW..Our QUEEN is a GERMAN ..Queen Elizabeth II Nazi Salute - YouTube
Video for queen doing a NAZI salute▶ 1:45
18 Jul 2015 - Uploaded by Sezer Şen
Their Royal Heilnesses Secret 1933 film shows Edward VIII teaching this Nazi salute to the Queen. THE
Battle of SOMME they sent our soldiers to die over the TRENCHES knowing they had no chance..
The German debt for world war 2..
How Europe cancelled Germany's debt in 1953 - Jubilee Debt ...
26 Feb 2015 - The German debt came from two periods: before and after World War II. Roughly half of it was from loans Germany had taken out in the 1920s and early 1930s, before the Nazis came to power, which were used to meet payments ordered by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. They were a legacy of the huge ..
UK. UK settles WWII debts to allies. Britain will settle its World War II debts to the US and Canada when it pays two final instalments before the close of 2006, the Treasury has said. The payments of $83.25m (£42.5m) to the US and US$22.7m (£11.6m) to Canada are the last of 50 instalments since 1950..
SO THE EU Lets Germany off with the DEBT but the UK meaning ME i payed for the WAR and i wasn't even born when they had that war ..YES I PAYED FOR THAT WAR
See the GERMAN i mean UK queen likes the Germans better..
Look at our aid budget..
UK spending on foreign aid - Full Fact
28 Feb 2017 - For every hundred pounds that's made in the UK, seventy pence goes overseas as foreign aid. Here's some basic facts and figures. ... aid spending is expected to increase. By 2021 we could be spending about £14.4 billion, based on the Office for Budget Responsibility's forecasts and in 2015 prices. That's ..
THE QUEEN and CREW well rob some of that money I BET ..14 BILLION..
Now what i thinks is the Germans sent over a ruler to keep us as slaves for TAXES and sent the QUEENS family to use us while the GERMANS get a good living ..
And we think the QUEEN is for us but THEY ARE NOT ..
Just look at UK history and the GERMAN history even though we won 2 world wars we the UK lost in MONIES and peoples labour and future debt..
I think the UK peoples have been USED all along and just think who gets all the KICKBACKS
from the EU?..
Remember the EU pays uk farmers subs for every acre of land they own and who own the most land in the UK the queen and the lords..
We are slaves for every LORDY SHIT FACES pockets ..
WELL NO MORE ..Call someone on the dole a bum YOU ARE THE WORST BUMS OF ALL..
Lordy shit faces and politicians are the worst bums of all..
You call the poor but you beg of them so much ..