Wild oregano oil can also be rubbed topically on the feet, shins, and upper chest. It can even be used topically on newborns and infants. Babies and toddlers can take a tiny amount internally, like a drop or two twice daily. In this regard it is far safer than all standard drugs, like antibiotics, cough syrups, and even infant vitamins. – Dr Cass Ingram Researcher, Speaker & Author of 34 books.
Yes, some very big claims are being made here, and when we have been told for so many years that diseases are only prevented by vaccines, this may be incredulous to believe.
However, could there be a lot of truth to this? Are vaccines the only answer for keeping infectious diseases, viruses, bacterial infections and super bugs at bay?
Read more at https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/03/no_author/one-big-threat-to-the-vaccine-industry/.