Perhaps, but not necessarily, This not only a piece of art that you reserve, it's fractional ownership of a real world item that increasing adds to the amount of bitcoin attached to it for a one time purchase (A different way to "mine" bitcoin). Not to mention a collectable that will increase in value. It's a compounding money machine. All's it needs is traders/collectors.
until someone rugs it and/or sells/peels the coin.
Not your keys - not your coin.
Again, safer, easier, faster to just buy the Bitcoin and hodl it - that Bitcoin will also increase in value and has zero chance of someone rugging you for it.
Mopar, The same could be said about physical bitcoins. I'm not asking you to trust me or anyone. But if you own loaded physicals bitcoins you trust the person who made your coin and its private keys. This Idea is simply an addition to that same system but fractionalizing and virtualizing the physical objects
I dont see it the same - to trust the creator of the coin is one thing - this requires to trust some random potentially unknown collector and/or some 3rd party holder of the coin for it's "safe keeping"
when I own the physical, I have to trust only myself and the key maker - not the multitude of additional folks required to make something like this work.
I also never buy a single collectible with the intent to ever sell or peel - the only ones I sell or peel are ones that are either proven to be unsafe (they get peeled) or if I bought a duplicate (then it gets sold and usually for a loss) I am into collectibles for preserving them not for the speculation of profit.
So yea, not the same - however, I do see how it can appeal to some though if they cannot trust themselves or the environment they are in to be able to hodl.
I can guarantee there will be some very sad people in the future when Bitcoin soars and the physical hodlers walk away from all of those with "virtual ownership" of their physical item.
It is not a possibility but a guarantee.