Sunday Mar 20th, 2011
- Press: Open source identity: Bitcoin technical lead Gavin Andresen - CIO Australia
”Disparate group of developers take on the established financial system”
“The goal is to grow the Bitcoin economy so it is large enough you don’t have any exchange rate dilemma – you can buy the products and services you need using Bitcoins that you earn by providing products and services that others need.” - Article: Thoughts on The Future of Money, by @webisteme
“Suspicious of government, and equipped with the technical known how to dodge its influence, these hackers have collaboratively developed bitcoin to the point where it now stands as a viable internet currency.”
Saturday Mar 19th, 2011
- Creator of the Liberty Dollar, Bernard Von Nothaus convicted.
“Liberty coins were marked with the dollar sign ($); the words dollar, USA, Liberty, Trust in God (instead of In God We Trust); and other features associated with legitimate U.S. coinage.”
“Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism” - US Att. Tompkins
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