- Press:
Make.Money.Slow : The Bitcoin Experiment by Jon Evans on TechCrunch
“At best it might eke out an existence as a distributed local currency for hardcore libertarians”.
- http://techcrunch.com/2011/05/21/the-bitcoin-experiment
- http://jp.techcrunch.com/archives/20110521the-bitcoin-experiment (Japanese)
Bitcoin, Ven and the End of Currency by Stan Stalnaker of Hub Culture
“How we create and measure value is going through a change that has not been seen in over 600 years”.
“It is a snowball today, but tomorrow it is an avalanche. Just watch”.
- http://techcrunch.com/2011/05/20/bitcoin-ven-and-the-end-of-currency - s3052’s Bitcoin Market Technical Analysis (special update)
Mid term: “DOWN as long as the high of $8.90 remains intact”.
Short term: “RALLY from the low of $5.57. $6.50 must hold for the rally to continue”.
- http://bit.ly/iKxync - Article / Blog post:
Bitcoin by Justin of Nine Zero Nine blog
Justin describes his foray into mining. He learns about variance (“some days I would go without mining a single BTC and others I would get 3”) and ups the ante (“I impulse bought two more 5830s just yesterday”).
- http://ninezeronine.net/2011/05/22/bitcoin - Article / Blog post:
Why Bitcoin is Smart, and Not a Scam by Brock Tice (@BrockTice)
Rebuttal by this long-time community member to the many recent criticisms of bitcoin.
“At one time there was a risk that someone with a botnet could easily overtake the network. That risk is now minimal and getting (exponentially) smaller every day”.
“What makes bitcoin so cool is the combination of [fixed rate of inflation, blockchain, hashing targets, cryptography, anonymity] in one system”.
- http://virtuallyshocking.com/2011/05/22/why-bitcoin-is-smart-and-not-a-scam
Saturday, May 21st, 2011
- skipped
Friday, May 20th, 2011
- Bitcoin Economy Snapshot:
1 BTC = $6.55 USD, Size: 6.27M BTC, Last 24h: 0.35M BTC in 4.8K trx, Difficulty: 244K, Forum posts/day: 2,018 Nodes: 1.9K
- http://twitter.com/bitcoineconomy - Article / Blog post:
Open Source FGPA Bitcoin Miner on Bitcoin Miner
“The cost of the equipment and not the cost of electricity continues to be the primary concern affecting miner’s decision on whether or not to add capacity.”
“When power consumption limits are a constraint, then the FPGA with its significantly higher power efficiency might be the only method to increase mining hashing capacity.”
- http://www.bitcoinminer.com/post/5672391181
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