- Bitcoin Market Suspends PayPal Trading
The exchange Bitcoin Market has discontinued the ability for trades to be made where PayPal is used for payment.
Bitcoin Money writes:
“fraudulent behavior [by some users] has created a tremendous backlog of ‘Unconfirmed’ trades”.
“[PayPal] can also be considered to be a P2P2P (person-to-person-to-person) payment network as well. A buyer can take advantage of the social network to find a trusted connection who might, in turn, have a connection to a Bitcoin seller. Physical proximity is not required”.
- http://www.bitcoinmoney.com/post/6208332487 - New Exchange - Bahtcoin (Thailand)
A fixed-rate exchange serving Thailand.
- http://www.bahtcoin.com
- http://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Bahtcoin - The Next Web - Bitcoin, the Peer-to-Peer Currency that Hopes to Change the World
TNW’s readers already know a little about Bitcoin so Joel Falconer (@jfalconer) digs down to the next layer. Some inaccuracies were identified however.
“Bitcoin aims to create a decentralized, anonymous, uncounterfeitable, transaction fee-free currency”. [Anonymous -> pseudonymous, Fee-free -> low-fee. - Editor]
“It’s fairly early on in Bitcoin’s potential timeline and we’re already seeing five to ten minute delays between sending money and receiving it”. [That wouldn’t be because of bandwidth, storage or anything relating to scalability. - Editor]
- http://tnw.co/lzyLJp - Newest Version Of Bitcoin Client Released, v0.3.22
This is largely a bugfix and TX fee schedule release.
- Remove ‘generate coins’ option from GUI and remove 4-way miner. (miners use software from elsewhere now.)
- Add -port option for P2P port.
- Minimum TX fee reduced to 0.0005 BTC (Client will accept and relay the lowered fee. GUI application remains at 0.01 BTC until v0.3.23 though.)
- Bug fixes, source tree reorg and more.
Upgrading to the most recent version of the client is not mandatory. With 0.01 BTC being worth as much at $0.18 USD recently, many individuals have reverted to v0.3.20 which does not impose the minimum fee that was introduced with v0.3.21. That older version has issues which were fixed with the newer releases but for an individual the older version is suitable for use in transacting with others. The minimum transaction fee when using v0.3.23 will be an amount 1 / 20th of the amount that the most current version of the client requires. As such, it is likely that v0.3.23 will follow shortly.
- http://forum.bitcoin.org/index.php?topic=12269.0
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/files/Bitcoin/bitcoin-0.3.22
Saturday, June 04, 2011
- Falkvinge.net - Bitcoin’s Four Hurdles: Part One – Usability
A man who recently claimed to have invested all of of his savings and all that he could borrow into bitcoins does what is in his self-interest, he works to make that investment more valuable. He has become a participant in the mass collaborative project called Bitcoin.
Today he starts with part one of a series addressing the hurdles that he sees that Bitcoin must overcome. The first: Usability. He writes:
“A person who is great at making complex logic work flawlessly is never great at making that logic easy to use and understand. This is how you send money. I mean, come on.”
“Why can’t I pay with my phone without risking loss of my money through theft or loss of my phone?” [It’s coming, Webcoin. - Editor]
- http://falkvinge.net/2011/06/04/bitcoins-four-hurdles-part-one-usability - Bitcoin Money - New Service: Blind Bitcoin Transfers
Consider this service along the lines of being a deposit service where the history of the bitcoins deposited can be unlinked when later withdrawn.
“After receiving depositing bitcoins the service will sign digital tokens for the depositor which can later be redeemed for bitcoins that would not be associated with the ones deposited.”
- http://blindbitcoin.com
- http://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Blind_Bitcoin_Transfers
- http://www.bitcoinmoney.com/post/6187527905
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