If someone decides to save money in a bank, many don't bother to check interest rates or shop around to find the savings account which pays out the highest annual percentage yield. If people want to save, they save. If they decide they want to spend, they spend. The only ones who look at interest rates to decide whether they're saving or buying or what their financial outlook and planning for the next year looks like are probably one percenters, the wealthy, the elites. The vast majority of people don't know what current interest rates are, much less what the term means.
This idea that people have where they think interest rates will have widespread consequences for normal people could be farfetched. Interest rates are treated like a keyboard that has only 1 button in it. Economists claim they can cause widespread economic prosperity or disaster simply by pressing a single button. The truth is 99% of people will buy/sell/save and don't care what interest rates are. Most people don't care about their credit rating or interest rates and many of them don't understand how either of those things affect their credit card payments, house or car loans. The only people who care about interest rates are the wealthy, thus interest rates only affect the financial/economic behavior of those who are rich.
The world's banks should get ready for BITCOIN! Bitcoin is a lot better in many ways to physical gold, and actually is divisible moreso than the USD. 1 Satoshi is currently worth far less than a cent. The ultimate goal is getting it to be worth 1 cent (FYI, Satoshi = smallest unit of BTC). If we can do this, the banks's only hope is to embrace and include cryptocurrencies in their business models.