Today, 1/17, we saw bitcoin sway around the $200 mark; in response difficulty is dropping. All miners at the 1W per Ghash level or worse have been squeezed out. The newest, best miners are barely profitable. WHat does this mean for the price of bitcoin?
Hi TJ,
I support your thinking. These were some if the reasons i got into BTC last year and nothing has changed.
I would like to make one point which few seem to understand.
Regarding mining the system has been designed to adjust for Hash and processing. As the power of the mining equipment increases then the difficulty rises and vice versa. This is done by the system looking to achieve a maths difficulty level which equates to 10 minutes to solve. if the solution time differs then the difficulty is adjusted to compensate. I believe the system has a two week delay regarding adjustment but someone on here will accurately confirm this.
Simply put, less miners, more miners, hiher processing speed, lower processing speed has no long term effect on the system.
After such a long bear run then I understand tiotally the ack of confidence regarding BTC returning to previous levels. In reality it is in its infancy and it only takes a few bulls over a few days (traders) to buy a decent amount and "Woosh" suddenly BTC is rising and the bull run returns.
With BTC being so cheap (relatively) and the market Cap being so small then it doesnt take a genius to realise a Market Cap rising to $50billion is equal to the value of a large Company which is nothing in comparision to world potewntial..
Have some faith Guys!