Hitler-style concentration camps in America.
From 1988 to the present we have dealt with the potential of FEMA Camps. FM 39.4, which emerged in 2008 documentation as these documents demonstrated that the powers that be will have no compunction to lock any dissidents away. Below are sub-paragraphs of FEMA Camp policies contained in FM 39.4 with the relevant subsections.
FEMA Camps Are Death Camps
From the aforementioned references, the following passages speaks to how the Army deals with the subject of death as it is related to the concentration camps:
5-69. When a detainee in U.S. custody dies, the attending medical officer will immediately furnish the detention facility commander or hospital commander (or the commander of the unit that exercised custody over the detainee if the death did not occur in a facility) with the -Detainee's full name. -Detainee's ISN/capture tag (mandatory). -Date, place, and circumstances of the detainee's death. -Initial assessment as to whether the detainee's death was, or was not, the result of the deceased's own misconduct. -The initial assessment as to the cause of death.
What is interesting about 5-69 is the cause of death is not categorized in any meaningful manner except to say that there is a conscious effort to determine if the death of the inmate was due to "their own actions".
5-72. …the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner is responsible for completing a final DD Form 2064 that will include a statement that "death was (or was not) the result of the deceased's own misconduct" in the block labeled "Circumstances Surrounding Death Due to External Causes."
Notice in the above (5-72) that only meaningful categories of inmate death are (1) the detainee's own misconduct and (2) death due to external causes.