hi grondilu. we had this argument two years ago, but i still don't understand the basis of your abstract prediction. traditionalists (say, goldbugs) who oppose bitcoin say the same thing of bitcoin as you say of other cryptocurrencies. how are you necessarily right and they necessarily wrong?
I do not pretend my prediction is necessarily better than others. It's just mine. Also FYI, I'm a former goldbug.
but to imagine that a bitcoin could ever be worth $100,000 is to imagine that people (currently bitcoin outsiders) would be willing to transfer billions of dollars to us early adopters instead of setting up an alternative. i'm not saying that's impossible, but in all the posts i've read since 2009 in the forum, nobody has ever given a rational reason for thinking it's remotely plausible. it seems irresponsible, and bordering on fraud, to entice people to buy bitcoins on the thought that it could skyrocket to $10,000 or $100,000, even if that is a technical possibility. (it's also a technical possibility for a single ounce of gold, or a single share of google stock, or anything else).
Not sure I get your point. Could people decide to start an other blockchain because they think bitcoins are just too expensive? Of course it's possible. It's basically happening with altcoins, if you ask me. I just don't think it's a threat in any way. It's even healthy, imho. As far as I'm concerned, I'll just stick to bitcoins.