1. Territories where Russia and the Russian world come - there are destruction and death, grief, degradation, inflation, low living standards.
2. Territories from which Russia and the Russian world are LEAVING - development, peace, tranquility, a higher standard of living ...
That's childlike thinking. There are no good guys in a game of geopolitics. The damage caused by "the West" i.e. in the Middle East alone is far greater than what Russia did to Ukraine so far. We don't have much of a moral high ground here if you consider e.g. a number of civilians killed in the invasion of Iraq (under a completely made-up pretext), sponsoring of ISIS and branches Al-Qaida in an attempt to destabilize Syria, igniting the "spontaneous" Arab Spring, etc.
Even in terms of the situation in Ukraine, US knew very well that Russia will have to respond to the 2013 west-sponsored coup as they couldn't afford to lose Crimea, as it's of strategic importance to them.
We're all just worthless pawns to them.
It looks like it's worth arguing who really has a childish opinion
You tear out one part from the real history of the USSR / RF, and try to "reduce" it. I can talk long enough and talk about a lot, but this form clearly suggests a different format. I'll just say a couple of FACTS. At the same time, facts that concern not only Ukraine, because The communist / Kremlin regime is an evil on a really planetary scale,
so. I will take the 20th century as a starting point. Although believe me - and before that there is something to talk about.
It was the USSR that was the second hand that unleashed the Second World War. Together with Nazi Germany, the Stalinist USSR began to destroy Europe.
1920-1950. Repressions of citizens of the USSR. Repression. Torture. Murder. Deportations of entire peoples. Documents were deliberately destroyed to cover up the crimes of the regime. According to various estimates, more than 5,000,000 million people were destroyed, More than 6,000,000 million were simply maimed both physically and morally ...
1933 - Deliberately staged Holodomor - the genocide of the Ukrainian people. I will add that similar "steps" were taken against other peoples of the USSR, but the victims in Ukraine were the greatest. Destroyed (shootings, starving to death) about 7,000,000 ethnic Ukrainians. INTENTIONALLY!
1939 - an attack from the east on Poland, which was defending itself from Nazi Germany, on the western front. Mass destruction of the meir population. The cynical shooting of captured Polish soldiers and officers, the destruction of the intelligentsia, and those dissatisfied with the invasion of the USSR.
1939-1940 - Attack on Finland. Annexation of approximately 10% of the territories. Murder of civilians.
1941-1945 - meat grinder with his recent friend and partner. Tens of millions of citizens of the USSR died. The main reason is the idiotic management of the army. "Victory victories" at the cost of millions of victims, which were the soldiers of the Red Army, who were thrown almost unarmed, wave after wave, against the German troops. Thoughtlessly, they threw meat on their citizens.
1979-1989 - War in Afghanistan. More than 2,000,000 CIVILIANS destroyed by sadistic methods.
1992 - Armed conflict in Moldova. Annexation and construction of a puppet pseudo-state of the PMR.
1992-1997 The so-called "Civil War in Tajikistan". Provoked and supported by the Kremlin.
1992-1993 War in the territory of the sovereign state of Georgia. Annexation and creation of a pseudo state of Abkhazia
1994-1996 The first Chechen war Chechnya, Russia destroyed the Chechen people, because of their LEGAL decision to secede from the Russian Federation.
1999 Dagestan war. Kremlin-instigated massacre in Dagestan.
1999-2009 Second Chechen War Chechnya. Global destruction of the civilian population of Ichkeria. More than 300,000 inhabitants of the republic were killed.
2008 Another provocation and attack on Georgia. Annexation of territories and the construction of pseudo-states South Ossetia.
2009-2017 destruction of people dissatisfied with the Kremlin authorities. In the republics of the North Caucasus
2014 Application of Crimea. Then the annexation and the proclamation of pseudo-states of the PDR / LPR. Total destruction of Ukrainian cities and civilians.
2022 is the beginning of a new wave of offensive, with the use of medium-range missiles against PEACEFUL cities and civilians. total destruction of Ukrainian cities, villages... Tens of thousands of civilians were destroyed, in an extremely sadistic way. Mass torture, violence, looting....
Bottom line: the USSR / RF destroyed tens of millions of people. Hundreds of millions were made to suffer ... Both their own citizens and in other countries ...
Is this childish thinking?
PS About the "Western-sponsored coup" - are you telling me a direct participant? )))) I have to upset you - propaganda has destroyed your brain irreversibly!
By the way, the events of 2013/2014 are called "Revolution of Dignity". We fought for our freedom, rights, dignity. Although these words are not familiar to you or they scare you
Do you have anything new in your training manual except about Iraq and the "Western-sponsored coup"?