(see SHA1SUMS.asc)
Oh hey, thanks for locating that! However, the fact that this thread exists and that many people haven't found the sigs is a real problem.
The SHA hash should be on this page with the software (which, by the way, won't load because they don't have secure browsing enabled, another problem), with the gpg signatures displayed on the page with the SHA hashes. For people who are only slightly paranoid, secure browsing provides _some_ level of assurance (yes, the site could be hijacked, but again, just because someone can pick the lock on your front door doesn't mean you should leave your door open). For those who are more paranoid, they can verify the signature and the hash.
Yes, I know that many people won't verify the information. But I would have, had I been able to locate it before. And there's no reason to bury it at sourceforge. At least put a link to the ASC file on the front page...
My $.02...