The US is importing many things from China because of cheaper China labor. If both countries stopped trading between themselves, who would be stronger? The US would have to learn manufacturing all over again. China has the manufacturing going because they are selling to the US.
On top of that, China is waking up to the idea of getting more money for the products they ship to the US. The US can't keep on making free money for its people just so they can buy more Chinese products.
On top of that, the money going to Ukraine is devastating the US banking system. All you have to do is check the news about how many banks in the US and Europe are going bankrupt. If the West doesn't get its act together, they will lose their position as world leader, and they might even be conquered militarily.
In the Soviet Union, at any next event where the USSR once again screwed up, it was expected that it was customary to immediately blame the "capitalist West, and the Zionists"
now a couple of banks have problems, and the miserable legacy of the USSR blames Ukraine everywhere
By the way - if you use the brain for its intended purpose, then it is logical to come to the conclusion that, as a result, for US banks, the events are beneficial. Now there will be a lot of words, and complex phrases, lovers of the USSR do not read, you still won’t understand
And so - the terrorist attack on Ukraine, from the side of Russia, began in 2014. It did not affect the world economy in any way. 2019 brought covid, huge problems, and first of all economic ones, to the whole world. This led to the stagnation of the economies, including the US economy. The assistance that a developed and adequate community began to provide to Ukraine from 2022 also gave impetus to the revival of the industry. As a result, companies are working, there are jobs, taxes, salaries, and people are bank customers who use credit funds that they could not pay in the post-COVID period due to the shutdown of the enterprise itself ... This is how the picture looks like, which makes it more profitable for the banks.
Yes, and I highly recommend reading about the causes of problems in banks. No, not about nonsense like "this is all because of the USA / Ukraine / Massons / ...", but about real reasons?
And also about a similar crisis in the global banking sector in 2007-2008 - you will be surprised, but there is a lot in common .. True, it is not clear how to "tie" Ukraine to that problem, as some really want