There has to be mad manipulation in this market.. the constant massive instant swings in the price of BTC would lead me to no other answer.
The "bearwhale" I fear was just a tatic to fuel enthusiasm in the community to allow someone to sell coins at @400. IMO there will be a massive push down wards perhaps to fallin's target of $200 then another massive rise to $3-400 on some news that will make you want to buy and hold this allowing this person to double up again..
I still cannot see the ability to suppress the market forever but I believe it could be a LONG.. long time before we see any 4 digit coins again.
Anyone else think someone is attempting to mess up the market to get as many coins and as much fiat as they can?
I agree with the manipulation, because if you think about it, some one with a larger sum of money could easily do this with BTC right now.
If we push 200 I would think it would be a stake in the BTC heart for right now and would take much longer to pick back up.
As much as I hate to say it, we need regulation in the BTC market. I know its a fine line, a line that is always crossed by politicians time and time again to suit whatever need they have, but if we want to see the money flowing in, this is a risk that is needed in order to have access to that money.
As far as 4 digit coins, dude, you been around long enough and should know by now, cryptos dont follow the normal thinking, for anything is possible.